Raspberry Pi based Quadcopter flight controller
Type 1: Only RPi based,
- PCA9685 for pwm control (ESC Management)
- Wifi for wireless control
- MPU6050 6DOF
- wiringPi (gpio lib)
Type 2: RPi + STM32 (programmable realtime unit)
STM32, based on stm32f103c8t6 (blue pill) libopencm3 and https://github.com/ve3wwg/stm32f103c8t6.git
Purpose: Just for fun....
NOTE: not using atmega anymore
X = roll Y = Pitch Z = Yaw
Received flight instructions formatted with good units, in that order : [Yaw, Pitch, Roll, Throttle] Units:
- Yaw : degree/sec
- Pitch : degree
- Roll : degree
- Throttle : µs
movements CW: clockwise CCW: counter-clockwise
X configuration ------------------------------------------------ M1 M2 (CW) (CCW)
M3 M4 (CCW) (CW)
throttle control: Up : M1 M2 M3 M4 + down : M1 M2 M3 M4 - Pitch control: forward : (M1 = M2) < (M3 = M4) backward : (M1 = M2) > (M3 = M4) Roll control: bend left : (M1 = M3) < (M2 = M4) bend right : (M1 = M3) > (M2 = M4) Yaw control: rotate left : (M1 = M4) < (M2 = M3) rotate right : (M1 = M4) > (M2 = M3)
- configuration ------------------------------------------------- M1 (CW)
M4 M2 (CCW) (CCW)
throttle control: Up : M1 M2 M3 M4 + down : M1 M2 M3 M4 - Pitch control: forward : (M1 = M2 = M4) < (M3) backward : (M2 = M3 = M4) < (M1) Roll control: bend left : (M1 = M3) < (M2 = M4) bend right : (M1 = M3) > (M2 = M4) Yaw control: rotate left : (M1 = M4) < (M2 = M3) rotate right : (M1 = M4) > (M2 = M3)
- configuration appears to be less power hungery but in X configuration rotors would not block view
PID (proportional, integral, derivative):
looptime: 1kHz (timer-event)
Reference links, https://github.com/lobodol/drone-flight-controller