This is the complete source code and the build instructions for the app based on the official Telegram messenger desktop client.

The source code is published under GPLv3 with OpenSSL exception, the license is available here.
- Streamer mode
- Auto-hiding notifications
- Mutliple app icons (thx Ayugram)
- Userpic corners
- Side menu editor
- Sticker size
- Recent stickers limit
- Show time with seconds
- Chat actions time
- Comma after mention
- Go to first message
- Spoof WebView as Android (type "rtgspoof" in settings, thx AyuGram)
- Solar Icons (thx 480 Design)
- Force react in channels on double-click
- Improved UI
The latest version is available for
- Windows 7 and above (x64, installer and portable)
You can build rabbitGram Desktop yourself using build instructions
- Windows (32-bit) (64-bit)
- macOS
- GNU/Linux using Docker