This repo is modified using coder on my Kubernetes cluster. Almost all components (WIP) are authenticated using KeyCloak (locally) and Auth0 (remote) using OID Connect to allow the SSO (single sign-on). Renovate helps me to keep the components updated.
- sops
- pre-commit
- flux (cli)
- kubectl
- task
- helm
- cert-manager - used to generate the certificate with let's encrypt using dns01 challenge
- local-path-provisioner - dynamic local volume provisioner
- volsync - sync volumes content to my google drive :)
- external-snapshotter - required but not used by volsync
- external-dns - configure the DNS records to my pi-hole instance running on a Raspberry-pi
- Keycloak - indentity and access management solution
- oauth2-proxy - redirect unauthenticated users to the identity provider
- cloudnative-pg - postgres operator
- redis - in memory key/value data store
- weave-dashboard - useful flux dashboard
- coder - creating and managing developer workspaces
- paperless - documents management tool with OCR integration
- homer - portal to have a single place to access every service
- home-assistant - home automation and appliance management
- zigbee2mqtt (2 instances - 2 coordinators)
- nodered (currently disabled) - automation flows
- emqx-operator - broker mqtt
- ring-mqtt - Software to interact with Ring devices through MQTT
You must have the age.agekey used previously to encrypt the contained secrets
cat age.agekey |
kubectl create secret generic sops-age \
--namespace=flux-system \
N.B.: the flux-system may not be already present in that case create it with
kubectl create ns flux-system
Use this command to initialize and bootstrap flux. Use this command as well to run the flux upgrade
flux bootstrap github \
--owner=raelix \
--repository=raelix-cluster-v2 \
--branch=main \
--path=clusters/production \
N.B.: Before running this command to upgrade the flux components remember to upgrade the flux cli
- In order to restore the cluster you just need to apply the main flux resource. The main folder is
. You can use kustomize to render the manifest and apply them on the cluster. - Another option is to use the bootstrap command to initialize again the cluster from the repository (suggested option).
This developer guide is useful to remember the important steps. It is still WIP and there are a lot of installed components that are not tracked here yet.
Generate the age pub and private key (only the first time).
age-keygen -o age.agekey
Create the secret that will be use by the kustomize controller
cat age.agekey |
kubectl create secret generic sops-age \
--namespace=flux-system \
add the decryption section to the kustomize controllers so flux will take care of decrypting the secrets
provider: sops
name: sops-age
The encryption rule is defined in the root directory of the project in a file called .sops.yaml
which contains the rules and the age public key to use for the encryption:
- path_regex: .*.yaml
encrypted_regex: ^(data|stringData)$
age: age1elje5gj3cyqhn44m66xlngczm8dklwmry9803ne69945e256xgequ9xtt6
To encrypt a secret just run the
passing as first argument the secret yaml file. The script just runs the sops -e $1 | tee $1.encrypted
command which uses the previous defined rule.
This section contains the main part related to the application deployment. WIP
The cert-manager is used to create a wildcard certificate for all the sub-domains with *
in order to use it on all the ingresses without copying it on every namespace add the following argument to the nginx-ingress-controller
- --default-ssl-certificate=cert-manager/wildcard-cert
Where cert-manager
is the namespace and wildcard-cert
is the secret name.
Ring-mqtt is deployed with the common chart (thanks for this great library). This specific image requires the config.json
file to placed /data/config.json
which should contains the following configuration:
"mqtt_url": "mqtt://username:password@emqx-listeners.message.svc.cluster.local:1883",
"mqtt_options": "",
"livestream_user": "",
"livestream_pass": "",
"disarm_code": "1234",
"enable_cameras": true,
"enable_modes": false,
"enable_panic": true,
"branch": "addon",
"debug": "ring-*",
"location_ids": [
This json is then created with the ring-mqtt-options.yaml
secret mounted in the right folder.
EMQX is deployed through the operator hence a new CR must be created in order to spawn the cluster. Unfortunately the dashboard user and the mqtt user can't be created easly hence a sidecar is used to do that using the REST API
The expected secret to create the users is something like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: mqtt-users
namespace: default
This can be generated with the kubectl command:
kubectl create secret generic secret-name --from-file=./user.json --dry-run=client -o yaml
Where the user.json is like:
// this is just an example
"user_id": "user",
"password": "password",
"is_superuser": true
The secret is then encrypted using the
The expected secret to create define the dashboard user and password is something like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: dashboard-auth
type: Opaque
The secret is then encrypted using the