OmniAuth strategy for the Beddit Pro API v2 using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
NOTE Development of this gem is currently halted as the Beddit Pro API is not available any longer. I plan to continue development once Beddit's API is made available again.
The omniauth-beddit
gem is dependent on the following gems. These are defined in omniauth-beddit.gempsec
as runtime dependencies.
- Omniauth 1.6.1 (Multi-Provider Authentication Framework)
- Omniauth OAuth 2 1.4.0 (Omniauth OAuth 2 Strategy)
Add the strategy to your application's Gemfile
with the following lines.
# Use Omniauth for multi-provider authentication
gem 'omniauth'
# Use Omniauth-OAuth2 Omniauth strategy
gem 'omniauth-oauth2'
# Use Omniauth-Beddit Omniauth strategy
gem 'omniauth-beddit'
Run bundle install
from the command line (i.e. Terminal or Command Prompt).
$ bundle install
Alternatively, you may choose to install the gems manually by running the following commands from the command line (i.e. Terminal or Command Prompt).
$ gem install omniauth
$ gem install omniauth-oauth2
$ gem install omniauth-beddit
gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-oauth2'
gem 'omniauth-beddit'
If using Rails, define the stategy in it's middleware by creating an omniauth.rb
file in the 'config/initializers' directory and adding the following line.
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
If using another framework, consult it's documentation to define the strategy it it's middleware and then add the following line.
use OmniAuth::Builder do
Feel free to fork and patch this project. Contributions are not only welcome but invited!