I'm Raul, a Coder | Sudoer who has a keen interest in Web Programming, Linux, AI, and Robotics
- 🔭 I’m working as "Full-Stack Developer"
- 📚 I'm currently learning MERN Stack
- ⚡ In my free time, I think and code anything in my head! </>
I'm Raul, a Coder | Sudoer who has a keen interest in Web Programming, Linux, AI, and Robotics
- 🔭 I’m working as "Full-Stack Developer"
- 📚 I'm currently learning MERN Stack
- ⚡ In my free time, I think and code anything in my head! </>
This is my main website portfolio. It's my first ReactJS + Tailwind project. I use those tools to help me make a portfolio website easier, faster and manageable.
Homify is a prototype smart home website. This single page website is created by me and my friend, Fathur (@siddiqfathurahman) as a submission for INSYFEST 2024 Web Development Competition.
This mini landing page website is created by me with the purpose of fulfilling an assignment from the RevoU Fundamental Course 10-day mini course: Software Engineering (@revou-fundamental-course)
A simple KBC quizzes mini game website (Self-Project)
JavaScript 1
There are many factors that influence the grades/scores of students. One of the factors is study hours. In this mini analysis project, there are 3 models that will learn and predict the relation be…
Jupyter Notebook