It is a source code of the youtube tutorial on book shopping cart in .net core mvc. Initially it was designed to explain how shopping cart 🛒 works in dot net core mvc. But now it has more features except payment gateway. A ⭐ in repository is highly appreciated, helps to promote my content.
📢 Initially , this project was built with .net 7. But it is Upgraded to .net 9.0. now and I will try to keep it up to date.
- Dotnet core mvc (.Net 9)
- MS SQLServer 2022 (Database)
- Entity Framework Core (ORM) (For Authentication)
- Dapper (ORM) (For rest of the app)
- Identity Core (Authentication)
- Bootstrap 5 (frontend)
- Visual Studio 2022 (Alternatives (.NET SDK + VS Code or .NET SDK + JetBrains Rider)
- Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio (Alternative Azure data studio or you can just execute sql from terminal)
Note: Every tool and tech is free for personal use.
- Open the command prompt. Go to a directory where you want to clone this project. Use this command to clone the project.
git clone
Go to the directory where you have cloned this project, open the directory
. You will find a file with nameBookShoppingCartMvc.sln
. Double click on this file and this project will be opened in Visual Studio. -
file and update connection string.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"conn": "data source=your_server_name;initial catalog=MovieStoreMvc; integrated security=true;encrypt=false"
- Run the project.
📢 When you run the project for the first time, it will do following things:
- It will generate the database
- It will seed some data
- It will create an account for
You need to run these scripts to create stored procedures. For that you need to follow this sql script.
You also need to run this script to seed data.
Click on the link named login
and get logged-in with these credentials.
password: Admin@123
2.Homepage continued
5.Add To Cart
8.Order success
9.Admin Login
10.Admin Dashboard
12.Order Detail
13.Update Order Status
14.Display Stock
15.Update Stock
16.Display Genre
17.Add Genre
18.Update Genre
19.Display Books
20.Add Book
21.Update Book
22.Top Selling Books
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