The main idea of this repo is to provide useful bash commands that i use on my daily. I will keep adding more and more commands as everyday is an automation day
Just execute $ npm run setup
and you will have the commands available in your environment. Basically, it will add the commands path to your machine $PATH so they can be available everywhere 🎉
Feel free to backup your $PATH value if you don't want to keep commands anymore. Just restore and that's it.
1 - clean-git-branches
: Clean all your workspace git branches except the current one and the master
2 - remove-orig
: Remove all .orig files inside your current work directory
3 - copy-last-tags
: Copy to your clipboard the git tags under HEAD
4 - image-stepper
: Create images for all the steps inside a docker image:tag. Credits for docker-in-practice
5 - eslint-changed-files
: Run eslint only over the files changes. Leave the overall linting for your CI process
6 - ios-devices
: Get the list of all target devices installed on your machine. Useful to run an iOS application on a specific device
7 - install-localhost-https
: Install a https localhost certificate and save the key files on the current directory.
8 - reset-react-native-environment
: Reset all symlinks and rebuild the current react-native project
9 - request-volume-expansion
: Increase the size of EC2 instances. It requires the local machine to have the AWS credentials. Fore more info check the docs
10 - clone-git-projects
: Clone several github repositories at once
11 - remove-all-docker-images
: Remove all docker images locally. Bear in mind that is a pretty destructive action.
12 - disk-usage
: Shows the disk usage in the current working directory