This repository contains an R script to scrape movie reviews from IMDB. The script is designed to load any number of pages of reviews as specified by the user for any movie they are interested in. The example provided scrapes reviews for "The Lion King (1994)".
On the IMDB website, reviews are not loaded all at once; instead, only 25 reviews are present on the first page. To access more reviews, a user must click the "load more" button to fetch the next set of 25 reviews. This process is repeated for each subsequent set of reviews, making manual scraping tedious and time-consuming.
This script automates the process of loading multiple pages to collect a comprehensive set of review data. By programmatically handling the "load more" button, it ensures that all reviews are captured without manual intervention. The script effectively deals with the dynamic content loading implemented via JavaScript on the IMDB site, a task that can be challenging to manage manually.
Before running the script, please ensure you have the necessary R packages installed. The required packages are rvest and dplyr. (Complete code block can be found here: scrape_imdbreview.R)
# Install required packages (if not already installed)
The script starts by loading the required libraries.
A function scrape_and_handle_missing is defined to scrape reviews from a given URL and handle any missing values.
scrape_and_handle_missing <- function(url) {
webpage <- read_html(url)
review_title <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".title") %>% html_text()
review_date <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".review-date") %>% html_text()
rating_out_of_10 <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".rating-other-user-rating") %>% html_text()
review_content <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".text") %>% html_text()
# Handle missing values
max_length <- max(length(review_title), length(review_date), length(rating_out_of_10), length(review_content))
review_title <- c(review_title, rep("NA", max_length - length(review_title)))
review_date <- c(review_date, rep("NA", max_length - length(review_date)))
rating_out_of_10 <- c(rating_out_of_10, rep("NA", max_length - length(rating_out_of_10)))
review_content <- c(review_content, rep("NA", max_length - length(review_content)))
data.frame(Title = review_title, Date = review_date, Rating = rating_out_of_10, Content = review_content)
Define the initial URL of the movie reviews page and set the number of pages to scrape.
initial_url <- "" # Replace with the desired IMDB movie URL
num_pages <- 10 # Set the number of pages to scrape
An empty data frame is initialized to store all reviews. A loop iterates through the specified number of pages, scraping reviews and updating the URL for the next page.
all_reviews <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:num_pages) {
# Scrape reviews from the current page
additional_reviews <- scrape_and_handle_missing(initial_url)
all_reviews <- bind_rows(all_reviews, additional_reviews)
# Find the link for the next page
next_page_link <- read_html(initial_url) %>% html_node(".load-more-data") %>% html_attr("data-key")
# Check if a "load more" button is present and update the URL if it is
if (! {
initial_url <- paste0("", next_page_link)
} else {
break # Stop if there's no more "load more" button
The scraped data is cleaned and saved to a CSV file in the data/ directory.
# Clean data
all_reviews <- apply(all_reviews, 2, trimws)
# Save to CSV
write.csv(all_reviews, file = "data/imdbreviews_thelionking1994.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# View result (optional)
To run the script, open scrape_reviews.R
in RStudio or any R environment and execute the code. The reviews will be saved in the data/
directory as imdbreviews_thelionking1994.csv.
JavaScript Dependency: The script relies on the presence of the "load more" button to fetch additional reviews. If IMDB changes its website structure or removes the "load more" button, the script may fail to retrieve additional reviews.
Network and Load Time: Depending on network speed and server load, the script might face timeouts or delays in loading pages, which can affect its performance and completeness of data collection.
Static URL Requirement: The script requires a static URL for the initial page. If the URL structure changes or if the movie page requires specific session-based tokens, the script may need adjustments.
Handling Captchas: If IMDB implements CAPTCHA challenges to prevent automated scraping, the script will not be able to bypass these, halting the data collection process.
Review Data Quality: The script handles missing values by filling them with "NA," which might not always be the best approach. Further data cleaning and validation may be required based on the analysis needs.
Rate Limiting: Frequent requests to the IMDB server could trigger rate limiting or IP blocking, which would interrupt the scraping process.
Scalability: While the script works for a specified number of pages, scraping a very large number of reviews (e.g., thousands of pages) might require more robust error handling, logging, and possibly distributed computing solutions.
Data Parsing: The script assumes a consistent format for reviews. If the HTML structure of reviews changes, the script's parsing logic will need updates.
Session Management: The script does not handle session management or cookies, which might be necessary for scraping certain dynamic content beyond what is managed by the "load more" button.
No Real-Time Updates: The script captures reviews available at the time of execution. It does not provide a mechanism for ongoing updates or tracking new reviews over time.
Limited Error Handling: The script has basic error handling. In case of unexpected errors (e.g., network issues, changes in webpage structure), the script may stop running without providing detailed diagnostic information.