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Initialization macros

CodingUnit edited this page Jan 27, 2012 · 4 revisions

Initialization macros

  • Category: Macros
  • Description: Using New Object macro for entity initialization
  • Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Console;

using Nemerle.Extensions;

class Point
  public mutable X : int;
  public mutable Y : int;

  public override ToString() : string { $"$X, $Y" }

class Rectangle
  public this()
    A = Point();
    B = Point();

  public A : Point { get; set; }
  public B : Point { get; set; }

  public override ToString() : string { $"$A, $B" }

class Figure
  public Points : List[Point]
    points : List[Point] = List();
    get { points }

module Program
  Main() : void
    // simple initializer
    WriteLine(Point() <-
      X = 10;
      Y = 20;

    // nested initializer
    WriteLine(Rectangle() <-
      A <- { X += 1; Y = 2; };
      B = Point() <- (X -= 3, Y = 4);

    // collection initializer
    def points = List() <-
      Point() <- (X = 1, Y = 1),
      Point() <- (X = 2, Y = 2),
      Point() <- (X = 3, Y = 3),
    foreach(p in points)

    // dictionary initializer
    def table = Dictionary() <-
      "a" = Point() <- X = 10,
      "b" = Point() <- X = 20,
      ("c", Point() <- X = 30),
      ("d", Point() <- X = 40)

    // nested collection initializer
    def figure = Figure() <- Points ::=
      Point() <- X = 100,
      Point() <- X = 200
    foreach(p in figure.Points)
  • Execution Result:
10, 20
1, 2, -3, 4
1, 1
2, 2
3, 3
20, 0
40, 0
100, 0
200, 0

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