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Secondary expressions (ref)

Alex Zimin edited this page Jul 11, 2011 · 3 revisions

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Secondary Expressions

This section describes expressions that are in fact just syntactic sugar over Core Expressions. We just present a translation of Secondary Expressions into Core Expressions.

secondary_expr =
| while_loop
| do_while_loop
| when_expr
| unless_expr
| lambda_expr
| list_constructor
| swap_operator

Conditional expression

'if' '(' expr ')' expr 'else' expr

A standard branch, which executes and returns value of first expression if the condition evaluates to true or second elsewhere.

Internally it is translated into

match (cond) {
  | true => expr1
  | false => expr2

While loop

while_loop =
'while' '(' expr ')' expr

A loop, executing body expression as long as the condition is true. Its value is always checked before the execution of body and if it evaluates to false, then the loop ends. The body must be of type void.

The loop is translated internally into the following code

def loop () {
  if (cond) 
    { body; loop () }
loop ()

do ... while loop

do_while_loop =
'do' expr 'while' '(' expr ')'

This loop is similar to while loop, but body is executed before the first time the condition is checked.

When expression

when_expr =
'when' '(' expr ')' expr

A version of the if condition, but having only one branch -- execution of body only when the condition is satisfied. If its value if false, then nothing is done (i. e. () is returned).

Its semantics is the same as

if (cond) body else ()

Unless expression

'unless' '(' expr ')' expr

An opposite version of when. It executes and returns value of body only if conditions are not satisfied (i. e. evaluates to false).

Its semantics is the same as

if (cond) () else body

Lambda expression

lambda_expr =
'fun' [ method_type_parameters ] 
'(' method_parameters ')' [ ':' type ] [ where_constraints ] block

Lambda expressions can be thought as of anonymous local functions. This construct defines such a function and returns it as a functional value. This value can be used just like the name of a regular local function.


List.Iter (intList, fun (x) { printf ("%d\n", x) })

is equivalent to

def tmpfunc (x) { printf ("%d\n", x) };
List.Iter (intList, tmpfunc)

List constructor

list_constructor =
'[' [ { expr ',' } expr ] ']'

[1, 2, 3] is translated to list.Cons (1, list.Cons (2, list.Cons (3, list.Nil ()))).

Swap operator

swap_operator =
expr '<->' expr

Infix operator &lt;-> is used to swap values of two assignable expressions. You can think about it as being translated to

def temp = e2;
e2 = e1;
e1 = temp

except that subexpressions of e1 and e2 are evaluated only once (there is a special macro to assure this), so

a[x.Next()] <-> a[x.Next()]
can be used safely.
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