My goal here is to make a truly satisfying dice roller; One that's the next best thing to rolling real dice. This library animates polyhedrons with numbers on each face that are visible while rolling, and includes a sound effect. Supports d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and d100 plus modifiers. Can be used to create stand-alone dice roller apps, or to integrate dice rolling into your javascript-based game. Visit to see a demo of how it works.
Clone this repo and open index.html in a web browser. (Note that the index.html, main.js, and styles.css files included here are intended as a demo and should be replaced with your own application.)
Create a new dice_box and pass it the dom element you want to contain it. (The dice box canvas will fill to the size of the container element.)
var box = new DICE.dice_box(elem);
Set the dice to be rolled by passing a string in the format "1d4+2d6+3".
Call start_throw() to roll the current set of dice.
Or bind throw to a swipe event on the element passed into bind_swipe()
Optional callback functions can be passed into both start_throw() and bind_swipe().
box.start_throw(before_roll, after_roll);
box.bind_swipe(elem, before_roll, after_roll);
// @brief callback function called when dice roll event starts
// @param notation indicates which dice are going to roll
// @return null for random result || array of desired results
function before_roll(notation) {
console.log('before_roll notation: ' + JSON.stringify(notation));
//do some stuff before roll starts
return null;
// @brief callback function called once dice stop moving
// @param notation now includes results
function after_roll(notation) {
console.log('after_roll notation: ' + JSON.stringify(notation));
//do something with the results
Dice notation object structured as follows:
"resultString":"10 9 1 5 2 8 18 = 53",
This project is derived from the work of Anton Natarov (aka Teal) found at and uses three.js and canon.js for the geometry and physics.
Sound Effect courtesy of and