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sfall 3.8.10

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@NovaRain NovaRain released this 12 Jun 13:02
· 1075 commits to 3.8-maintenance since this release

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  • Added an option to use Fallout's normal text font instead of DOS-like font on the world map
  • Added an option to increase the maximum number of tile FRMs (from Crafty)

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Mr.Stalin:

  • Added a fix for a crash when the critter goes through a door with animation triggers
  • Added a fix for critters killed in combat by scripting still being able to move in their combat turn if the distance parameter in their AI packages is set to stay_close/charge, or NPCsTryToSpendExtraAP is enabled
  • Added support for adding custom background FRM to the character screen of the hero appearance mod
  • Added an option to display the range of the secondary attack mode in the inventory when you switch weapon modes in active item slots
  • Added an option to set up a key to let you move/drop a whole stack of items at once without the 'Move Items' window
  • Added an option to change the counter in the 'Move Items' window to start with maximum number
  • Expanded get_mouse_buttons function to return a value for the middle mouse button