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sfall 4.0

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@NovaRain NovaRain released this 16 Oct 01:43

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  • The build environment is now Visual Studio 2015, and Win XP SP2 and Win 2000 are no longer supported
  • Extensive code reorganizing/rewrite was made in the effort to tidy up sfall code base accumulated over the years and make it easier to read, understand, and extend. Main code was split into separate 'modules'. Code for interacting with Fallout 2 engine was moved and expanded to allow for engine manipulations without using too much Assembly code
  • Fixed an issue where the game was rendered before the hero appearance mod was loaded
  • Item highlighting mod is moved from sfall into a separate script ( and extended with new options
  • NPC combat control mod is moved from sfall into a separate script (
  • Related options of item highlighting and NPC combat control mods were moved from ddraw.ini into a separate sfall-mods.ini
  • A new version of NPC armor appearance mod was implemented as a separate script ( in the modders pack). It can be configured and made compatible with any Fallout 2 mod
  • Improved compatibility between hero appearance, NPC combat control, and NPC armor appearance mods
  • A bunch of hooks and script functions were added to allow implementing multiple vehicles in the game
  • New script functions: item_weight, get/set_outline, get/set_flags, tile_refresh_display, outlined_object, set_dude_obj, real_dude_obj, get_ini_sections, get_ini_section, car_gas_amount, set_car_intface_art, get/set_cursor_mode
  • New hook scripts: hs_adjustfid, hs_combatturn, hs_cartravel
  • Added the ability to load global scripts from different paths
  • Included Chinese and Russian translations

Original engine bug fixes and various features based on the work by Crafty:

  • Added a fix for the exploit that Bonus Move APs are replenished when you save and load the game in combat
  • Added a fix for the displayed message when the attack randomly hits a target that is not a critter and has a script attached
  • Added a fix for damage_p_proc being called for misses if the target is not a critter
  • Added a fix for the double damage effect of Silent Death perk not being applied to critical hits
  • Implemented standard script procedures: combat_is_starting_p_proc (called when a combat starts, but doesn't mean that the critter is in combat) and combat_is_over_p_proc (called when a combat ends)
  • Added INTFACEUSE, INTFACELOOT, BARTER, and HEROWIN flags to the game mode functions
  • Added a new argument to HOOK_COMBATDAMAGE hook script
  • Added an option to prevent the player from running while sneaking without Silent Running perk