My configuration for Arch Linux, managed by chezmoi.
- Display server: Wayland
- Window compositor: Hyprland
- Theme: Catppuccin
- Fonts: Fira Code, Roboto Mono
At the moment, this repository is not recommended for usage.
It is not yet templated and contains some user-specific data (e.g. git config).
For now, it is advisable to copy only certain configs and edit them for your use case.
Currently configured:
- bat
- delta
- dunst
- electron (Wayland flag)
- fastfetch
- git
- gtk (3 & 4)
- gnupg
- hyprwm
- kitty
- Kvantum
- lf
- vscode (only Wayland flag)
- qt (5 & 6)
- Waybar
- wofi
- zsh
This does not mean "fully configured": everything is subject to change.
I use Catppuccin as a main theme.
Currently used in:
- bat
- delta
- dunst
- hyprwm apps
- kitty
- qtk
- qt
- waybar
- wofi
Terminal font is Fira Code, interface font is Roboto Mono (both from Nerd Fonts). Size: 16px (12pt).
- packages (tested, but not on a new machine)