A project where you can manage your buildings, floors, flats and renter information.
Visit the website (Not reccomended for mobile phones)
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Angular
- Firebase
- Firebase Firestore database
- Firebase Auth
- Browser LocalStorage
Download or git clone
the project and use it.
- NodeJS
- npm
- Angular CLI
check if your system has nodejs and npm installed with
node -v
npm -v
If nodejs and npm is not installed then goto nodejs.org and download nodejs and npm or on linux use
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
check if your system has angular cli installed with ng
if Not then install angular cli with npm
npm install -g @angular/cli
After downloading the project from github install the dependencies to run the project with:
npm install
Use ng serve
to run the project in http://localhost:4200/
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
If you want to use your own firebase account and database for the project then follow this section:
Go to console.firebase.google.com and follow these steps.
Add a new project.
Enter project name and continue.
If you don't want google analytics for project then untick the option and continue.
Then in project overview select web and pick a name for your app and register (You can copy the firebase config if you want to setup firebase manually in your project).
Go to console and navigate to Authentication > Get Started > Email/Password > Enable. This will enable email/password signup and login option
Then navigate to Firestore database > Create Database > Next > Select database location (Default is reccomended) > Rules > Then change
allow read, write: if false;
To install the Firebase sdk and to login to firebase
npm install -g firebase
npm install -g firebase-tools
Note: if you get any permission error while installing firebase then you can run the terminal as and administrator.
If you are in linux:
sudo npm install -g firebase
sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
After downloading the project open the project in terminal and login to firebase with firebase CLI:
firebase login:ci
To automatically add Firebase to angular use this command
ng add @angular/fire
Then select the Authentication and Firestore option to add them to your project using your firebase account, project and app. (If you logged in using firebase cli).
There is 2 payment plan in Firebase
Spark Plan (No-Cost)
- This is the default plan. No cost usage.
Blaze Plan (Pay as you go)
- This is the paid plan where you are charged by firebase usage.
- Spark plan: 10k per month.
- Blaze plan: $0.06 per verification
Cloud Firestore (Cloud Database):
Per Unit = Per 100,000 documents
Spark plan: 1GB Free
- Document writes: 20k per day.
- Document reads: 50k per day.
- Document deletes: 20k per day.
Blaze plan: $0.108 per additional GB after free storage.
- Document writes: $0.18 per unit after free quota.
- Document reads: $0.06 per unit after free quota.
- Document deletes: $0.02 per unit after free quota.
Firebase hosting:
Spark plan:
- Storage: 10GB
- Data transfer: 360MB per day
Blaze plan:
- Storage: $0.026 per GB
- Data transfer: $0.15 per GB
Firebase Cloud Storage:
Spark plan:
- GB Stored: 5GB
- GB downloaded: 1GB per day
- Upload operations: 20k per day
- Download operations: 50k per day
Blaze plan:
- GB Stored: $0.026 per GB
- GB downloaded: $0.12 per GB
- Upload operations: $0.05 per 10k
- Download operations: $0.004 per 10k
Login with user admin@gmail.com
and password 123456
as password to see demo data.
--> Navigating to http://localhost:4200/
will redirect you to the Login page where you sign in with your email and password (Logged in users are remembered by default in every browser).
--> You can go to Sign-up page to register with an email and password.
--> After logging in you can see the total number of Building, Flat and Renter you have added.
You can view the full list too.
--> You can Sign-out using the Logout button located at the right side of the top bar.
- 3 simple cards to show the count of total renter, building and flat.
Building List -> View the full list of all the existing building you added.
You can Edit, Delete a building information from here. -
Add Building -> You can add a new Building information here with Building name, Floor number and Building number.
Flat list -> View the full list of all the existing Flat you added.
You can Edit, Delete flat information from here. -
Add Flat -> You can add a new Flat to an existing Building according to floor.
Renter List -> View the full list of all the renters.
You can Edit, Delete a renter Information from here. -
Add Renter -> You can add a new renter into an existing building according to floor and flat.
Rent Pay
Add rent payment information about a renter.
Add rent amount, month of rent payment, rent type, electric bill, gas bill and water bill.
- Rent Type:
- Active month: Rent payment of the current/active month
- Due rent: Rent payment of a due month.
- Advance: Advance payment for when adding a new renter.
- Rent Type:
See a report of an indivisual Renter according to month.
Print option -> Can print sinlge month report or you can print a list of payment month of a renter.
Note: Verification system for Emails and National ID is currently not used for this version of the project.