This repository contains a Spring Boot 3 codebase currently in development.
To run the application with Maven, execute the following command:
mvn spring-boot:run
To run the application using Java, first package the application with Maven and then run the generated JAR file:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/spring-boot-3-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To run the application using Docker Compose, use the following command:
docker-compose up -d
- Java 17 or higher
- Maven 3.8 or higher
- Docker (for Docker Compose setup)
- Spring Boot 3 (Parent Dependency)
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA (for data access)
- Spring Boot Starter Web (for building web applications)
- Spring Boot Starter Test (for testing)
- MySQL Connector (for connecting to MySQL database)
- MapStruct (for mapping between DTOs and entities)
- Lombok (for reducing boilerplate code)
- Lombok MapStruct Binding (for Lombok and MapStruct integration)
- Jakarta Validation API (for bean validation)
- Hibernate Validator (for validation implementation)
- SpringDoc OpenAPI Starter WebMVC UI (for Swagger API documentation)
- SonarQube Maven Plugin (for code quality analysis)
- Spring Security (for authentication and authorization)
- Spring Web (for building RESTful web services)
- Spring Boot DevTools (for enhanced development experience)
- Spring Boot Actuator (for monitoring and management)
- How to Implement Internationalization (i18n) in Spring Boot
- Using Swagger 3 with Spring Boot 3
- Integrating SonarQube with Spring Boot:
- How to import data from Excel file in Spring Boot
- Export Data to Excel file in Spring Boot
- Logging With AOP in Spring
- Using MapStruct With Lombok
- Add base entity, base controller, base service, common mapper
- Handle exporting Excel file concurrently using CompletableFuture (CompletableFuture in Spring Boot is part of Java's java.util.concurrent package and provides a powerful way to handle asynchronous programming. It allows running tasks in parallel, combining multiple asynchronous operations, and handling their results when they complete)
- Custom Executor (ThreadPoolTaskExecutor) with Spring Boot Async
- Using Keycloak with Spring Boot
- Socket.IO, MQTT
- MinIO
- Caching (Redis, Memcached)
- Message queue (Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ)
- Unit testing
- Docx4java
- Monitoring & Logging using Prometheus, ELK Stack, Grafana
- Enable CORS