📝 I occasionally write articles on Medium
📫 Reach me at shrine02sabu[at]protonmail[dot]com
Recent Projects
Design Patterns: Implementation of commonly used design patterns.
Tic Tac Toe: LLD for Tic Tac Toe using OOP principles.
Parking Lot: LLD using OOP principles.
QuickStart: CLI tool built using the instantly make a new project with git. Python Go
CRUD API: Built using the Go programming language and the Gin web framework.
PromptGPT: A Chrome Extension designed for use with the OpenAI GPT language model, specifically the ChatGPT interface. It allows users to generate responses quickly and easily using pre-written responses.
Contact Management App: Developed using Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose. It covers topics including creating an Express server, handling errors, and implementing user authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
Battery Management App (Native Android): Displays battery health, battery usage, temperature information, and measures battery capacity (mAh).
Weather App (Native Android): Retrieves weather information from the OpenWeatherMap API. It showcases concepts such as MVVM, RxJava, and Kotlin.