Remote Execution tool for Mesos.
RExe is a tool to synchronously execute jobs inside Mesos and output the contents of the job to STDOUT.
RExe if built with Rust so you will want to download the compiler for your OS (
Once checked out, simply build the project using Cargo as below:
cargo build --release
rexe docker ubuntu:latest -c 2 -m 1024 -a attribute=/pattern/ -a attribute2=value -e ENV_VAR=value -v /mnt/storage:/storage:RW --force-pull -- ls -la /
rexe exec -c 2 -m 1024 -a attribute=/pattern/ -a attribute2=value -e ENV_VAR=value -- ls -la /
RRemote Executor 0.7.4
Marc Dergacz. <>
Synchronously execute tasks inside Mesos with STDOUT
--force-pull Force pull image
-h, --help Prints help information
-s Invoke with shell mode on CommandInfo. Always enabled when executor is 'exec'.
--stderr Fetch STDERR as well
-t Attach TTY
-V, --version Prints version information
--verbose Verbose output
-a <attr>... Match an agent's attribute with the given value or pattern. RExe will AND all attributes
specified. Eg. attribute=value or attribute=/value/
-c, --cpus <#CPUS> Specify the number of cpus required [default: 1]
-d, --disk <DISK> Specify the amount memory required
-e <env>... Environment variables to pass to container. Eg. ENV_NAME=value
-g <#GPUS> Specify the number of GPUs required
-m, --memory <MEMORY> Specify the amount memory required [default: 256]
-T <timeout> Resource wait timeout. Time in seconds on how long RExe should wait for usable resource
offers before giving up. Default: 60. Set to <= 0 to wait indefinitely.
-v <volume>... Volume mapping - host_path:container_path:[RO|RW]. Eg. /host/path:/container/path:RO
Defaults to RW access.
<MESOS_MASTER> Mesos master/zookeeper URL. RExe will perform leader discovery if provided a zookeeper URL
otherwise http[s] can be provided. Eg. master1:2181,master2:2181,master3:2181/mesos or
<EXECUTOR> Mesos executor to use [possible values: docker, exec]
<IMAGE> Name of docker image
<ARGS>... Image arguments