Create MIDI NFTs and exchange them via marketplace listings.
Contract | Address |
MIDI | 0x8087aB2Aa455f408CdF22837Fbf951d232f39D33 |
Contract | Address |
MIDI | 0xa21CB351Fc29aCB7c3901270a5259Bf5e68f11d8 |
Listing | 0x95E3fF1249F507ee1cC89fD8912E2A9d6dA66854 |
Market | 0xFaD23945aFa4dF5C7e1F4532C718A125328372e7 |
Contract | Address |
MIDI | 0x29c45A223f15da5cfCABC761e67E352Dc672a25a |
Contract | Address |
MIDI | 0x8087aB2Aa455f408CdF22837Fbf951d232f39D33 |
Listing | 0x107C49B15B4B7f8B68Ba9fd56704D8FbBB5DF1fF |
Market | 0x4f196fa9774aa52DA465e19DD1986e66805067b8 |
Contract | Address |
MIDI | 0x8087aB2Aa455f408CdF22837Fbf951d232f39D33 |
Listing | 0xb688197901a854eE6A31e91F226108f476D40e6b |
Market | 0x107C49B15B4B7f8B68Ba9fd56704D8FbBB5DF1fF |
npx hardhat test
GAS_REPORT=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
To see list of available tasks, run npx hardhat
npx hardhat deployMidi
Will log the MIDI address to the console
This is used in the Market contract as the base Listing contract to be cloned when creating new listings.
npx hardhat deployListing
npx hardhat deployMarket --midi "MIDI_ADDRESS" --listing "LISTING_ADDRESS"
This assumes the MIDI and Listing contracts are already deployed. It allows to set market fee beneficiaries and their shares.