This is a small script that allows you to view the status of specified TANGO devices in specified states. For example, you can view all powersupplies, matching a specific pattern, that are in OFF state.
usage: [-h] --states
--include INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]
[--exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]] [--init]
Status Monitor Application
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify the TANGO DevStates to filter by
--include INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]
Specify the strings to include. Wildcard: '*'
--exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
Specify the strings to exclude. Wildcard: '*'
--init Send an init command to all the devices beforehand.
The following command shows you all the devices that match the string "*r1*pspi*" or "*r1*psia*" in FAULT or ALARM state, but excludes all devices that contain the string "*ktr1*" or "*dserver*". Here, '*' is a wildcard.
python3 --include "*r1*pspi*" "*r1*psia*" --exclude "*ktr1*" "*dserver*" --states FAULT ALARM