released this
11 May 03:43
1533 commits
to develop
since this release
4.4.0-develop.1 (2021-05-11)
Bug Fixes
- add interationalization to added changes (cf70a0f)
- add missing react-toast-notifications dep (88a1ce9)
- commented oauth realated logic from ucc-gen temporarily (6d08509)
- error handling and migrated to functional component (3e2d15d)
- error handling in errorboundary (b1ed49b)
- filter issue in table (86fffbe)
- initial default tab query param (2d4d7dd)
- internationalization fixes and code deduplication (b41f33d)
- make minor modifications for form submit on single page form (1501401)
- merge conflicts (3708ffb)
- minor fixes and comments (be8dabd)
- refactored table header as separate component (0c386de)
- remove temporary test change for error boundary (baa54e7)
- removed multiple calls to endpoint in tab navigation for configuration page, addded conditional rendering of moreInfo based on globalConfig and fixed single input type dropdown filter (f1c2545)
- routing history with query params (9c5cc2f)
- sync with ucc_ui_lib_migration (6f6badc)
- title in input and configuration page templates (6328fdf)
- ucc_ui_lib: asynchronous state updates for status toggle button (4e63041)
- update ucc ui version (b6dc8b4)
- update ucc ui version (e340376)
- use primitive type in useEffect for query param updates to reduce executions (a4a0542)
- update ucc ui version (d562bea)
- build: Move ucc-ui-lib to a new repo (71db6b1)
- add page style dialog and its routing (a475235)
- Added button for create new input (979b058)
- added configuration page integration for table and single page form (b7a4d50)
- Added Create Input button in input_page (b2b3562)
- Added custom cell feature in the table and fixed sorting issue (3711846)
- Added error modal component (bbde4cf)
- Added localization in titles (24f663b)
- Added parsing and validation functionality for globalConfig.json file (e690000)
- added routing for record and tab name (748ab74)
- Added schemaGenerator.py file (be0b945)
- Added table component with actions button (f550769)
- Custom row feature implemented (308d847)
- Data flow using react context api (ddfaf41)
- Fixed issue (887f419)
- Fixed prop type validation issue (b0643e6)
- Fixed the delete model issue (71743ae)
- Fixed typo (9d5d0ee)
- Fixed typo (3ce2363)
- Fixed typo (668d2a5)
- Form design changes (3f34bfa)
- formatted file (ec3c0a6)
- Implemented filter functionality in the table component (4a77545)
- Implemented styled component (503aeb4)
- Pagination component implemented (ab41e36)
- Refactored table component (4206ce3)
- Removed commented code (bbdda12)
- Removed id from custom table (2afdc83)
- Removed key (f80499d)
- Removed log line (1f51cb4)
- Removed logs (6763ef9)
- Removed logs (36476ac)
- Removed patch file (ef065dc)
- Resolved comments (5a6088b)
- Set configuration page to default (6b7150a)
- Update the way to store data in the context (8d11e7d)
- Updated custom cell file (0479106)
- Updated file name (8640413)
- Used i18n in custom cell (06d0f02)