Transposon mutagenesis followed by high-throughput sequencing (Tn-seq) is a robust approach for genome-wide identification of putative essential genes in any organism of interest for which the appropriate genetic tools are available (or can be developed). However, easily accessible computational tools for the streamlined analysis of the data from Tn-seq experiments are currently limited. This document provides instructions for how to use the Tn-seq analysis software (TSAS) described in Burger et al. 2017, which provides tools for various kinds of analysis of Tn-seq data sets.
TSAS 2.0 is a rewritten of TSAS in Python to simplify use, while also significantly speed up the analysis.
The following input data files are required to run TSAS: a. Aligned reads file obtained from mapping short reads to a reference genome. TSAS currently handles Bowtie (version 1 and 2), SOAP and Eland result formats. This could be extended in future updates. b. Genome sequence file in Fasta format. The name(s) of the chromosome(s) in this file must match that used for mapping aligned reads to the reference genome. c. GFF v3 file containing the coordinates of genomic elements in the reference genome. Again, the chromosome names in this file must match those in the genome sequence and aligned reads files.
usage: [-h] -a {1,2} -gs GENOME_SEQUENCE -gff GFF -f
{Bowtie,SOAP,Eland} -tr TREATMENT [-c CONTROL]
[-cap {0,1,2,3}] [-w {0,1}] [-r {long,short}] [-t]
TSAS codebase for TnSeq data analysis
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a {1,2}, --analysis_type {1,2}
Type of Tn-seq analysis to perform. Either 1 or 2
sample analysis (Default = 1)
Genome sequence file i.e. .fna file
-gff GFF, --gff GFF GFF v3 file
-f {Bowtie,SOAP,Eland}, --mapped_read_format {Bowtie,SOAP,Eland}
Format of mapped reads file
-tr TREATMENT, --treatment TREATMENT
Mapped read file(s) for treatment sample(s).
Replicates provided as comma separated string with no
spaces. If replicate samples are provided, analysis
will average over the replicates. For 1-sample
analysis, samples should be listed here alone
-c CONTROL, --control CONTROL
Mapped read file(s) for control sample(s). Replicates
provided as comma separated string with no spaces.
This parameter is only used with two sample analysis
and will be ignored by one-sample analysis. For a one-
sample analysis, sample(s) should be list under
Treatment. If replicate samples are provided, analysis
will average over the replicates
Transposon sequence specificity (i.e., target sequence
of transpson e.g., TA for Mariner transpons). Leave
blank from random transposons like Tn5.
-mh MIN_HITS, --min_hits MIN_HITS
Threshold for minimum number of hits at a unique
insertion site for it to be considered a true site.
Default = 1
-cl CLIPPING, --clipping CLIPPING
Percentage of start and end of gene to be discarded
when determining essentiality (e.g., a value of 5
equals 5 percent to be ignored @ start and @ end).
Default = 0
-cap {0,1,2,3}, --capping {0,1,2,3}
Capping of reads at unique sites to minimize
PCR/sequencing bias (0 - no capping; or 1 - capping
with average hits per insertion site + 2 st. dev.
(default); or 2 - capping with average hits per
insertion site; or 3 - capping with median hits per
insertion site). This parameter is only relevant to 2
sample analysis
-w {0,1}, --weight {0,1}
Weight reads per gene based on number of unique
insertions in a gene (total hits*(unique hits per
gene/average unique hits per gene)) 0 - No weights 1 -
Weights used (- only relevant to 2 sample analysis)
-r {long,short}, --result_format {long,short}
Result format. If Long it provides additional columns
for capped and weighted reads, as well as unadjusted
-t , --threads Number of threads to use for analysis (Default = no of
available cpus)
python3 -a 1 \
-gs example_data/NC_002516.fna \
-gff example_data/NC_002516.gff \
-f Bowtie \
-tr example_data/sample1BC2.fastq_mapped_M1,example_data/sample2BC2.fastq_mapped_M1 \
-mh 1 \
-cl 10 \
-seq TA
python3 -a 2 \
-gs example_data/NC_002516.fna \
-gff example_data/NC_002516.gff \
-f Bowtie \
-c example_data/sample1BC2.fastq_mapped_M1,example_data/sample2BC2.fastq_mapped_M1 \
-tr example_data/sample3BC2.fastq_mapped_M1,example_data/sample4BC2.fastq_mapped_M1 \
-mh 1 \
-cl 10 \
-cap 3 \
-w 1
Output files formats are identical to TSAS 1. See TSAS 1 user guide for description of results columns.
Example data folder will need to be uncompressed after cloning repo, before running test commands.
Python >=3.7
Numpy >=1.21
Scipy >=1.7
TSAS will probably work with older versions of Numpy and Scipy but hasn't been tested with these.