This is a monorepo containing various smart contracts and subgraphs used by the Streamr Network, as well as potential other Ethereum-related bits and pieces that relate to the Network.
- Network contracts The actual smart contracts used by the Streamr Network. Package exported from here has version 7.x.x and exports Typechain interfaces for Ethers v5.
- Network contracts NPM package ABI and Typechain interfaces for the Streamr Network smart contracts for Ethers v6, plus scripts for interacting with the smart contracts.
- Network subgraphs The Graph subgraphs for many contracts in the
package - config Addresses of deployed Streamr contracts on various chains, importable as an npm package
- chainlink-ens-external-adapter Custom Chainlink job that implements an ENS oracle used to verify ENS ownership on mainnet when creating streams
- docker-dev-chain-init Tooling for building the docker images for local dev chains
- brubeck-migration-script Script that migrates opted-in streams from Corea to Brubeck network