│ └───plotting
│ ├───both
│ ├───Forward_kinematics
│ ├───inverse_kinematics
│ ├───jacobians
│ ├───torque
│ ├───velocity_with_time
│ └───vel_tor_acc
This project involves the development of a camera path mapping algorithm to create a detailed simulation of camera movements around a 3D model. The simulation is designed to help in visualizing camera coverage for monitoring or inspection purposes, ensuring complete 360-degree visibility of the object being examined.
- 2D and 3D Visualization: Utilizes
for dynamic visual representation of camera paths around the 3D model. - Interactive Animation: Includes adjustable parameters for animation speed using sliders, enhancing user interactivity.
- Camera Path Mapping: Calculates optimal camera points based on the geometry of the 3D model, providing focused surveillance or inspection capabilities.
Ensure you have the following Python packages installed:
You can install these packages via pip:
pip install numpy matplotlib trimesh pyglet<2 PyQt5
: Contains the main Python script for generating the camera paths and animating them.project_y.py
: Contains the main Python script for generating the camera paths with timestamps you can select the time for each cycle.load_display.py
: loads the stl file and generate the camera points.plotting_with_time.py
: plot the path with the time.plotting.py
: plot the path without time.
To run this script, make sure you have a 3D model file in STL format. Update the model_path in the script to point to your model file location.
- Setting up the model path:
model_path = "path_to_your_model/model_file.stl"
- Running the script:
python project_s.py
- Interact with the simulation: Use the slider at the bottom of the 3D animation window to adjust the animation speed. Watch both 2D and 3D animations to understand the camera's coverage.
- The script will visualize the camera paths in 2D and 3D.
- Camera points are written to camera_points.txt in the current directory, which can be used for further processing or control systems.
Camera Movement 3D | PyQt5 Demo project_s.py |
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PyQt5 Demo project_y.py |
Plotting with Time | Plotting without Time |
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This Python scripts uses the PyBullet physics engine to simulate interactions between a robot and an object in a 3D environment. It demonstrates the loading of a robot from a URDF file, setting up joint controls, and capturing and logging various simulation data.
- PyBullet: A Python module used for physics simulations in robotics, games, and visual effects.
Import necessary modules and define the main functions used for loading the robot and object, setting up joint control, and running the simulation.
import pybullet as p
import time
import pybullet_data
: Initializes the simulation environment, loads the robot, and creates an object.setup_joint_control
: Sets up joint control for the robot.simulate_and_capture
: Runs the simulation, capturing joint states and end-effector positions.scale_timing.py
: used to give the user the ability to change only the simualtion time based on the slicer timing.
this folder contains modeling and simulations for FK, IK , Jacobians, torque etc:
│ ├───both
│ ├───Forward_kinematics
│ ├───inverse_kinematics
│ ├───jacobians
│ └───velocity_with_time
├───plotting_archive `archive for plotting files`
└───urdfs `CAMbot in urdf format`
└─── `pybullet.py` files to simulate the urdf files.
Robot EE Path | PyBullet Simulation Modeling\Kinematics\plot_CAMBOT.py |
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Forward Kinematics simulations Modeling\Kinematics\math\Forward_kinematics\anim_fk.py |
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Robot Work Space Modeling\Kinematics\math\both\fk_workspace.py |
IK simulation Modeling\Kinematics\math\inverse_kinematics\inv_anim.py |
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Singularity map Modeling\Kinematics\math\jacobians\singularity_map.py |
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- It allows us to determine the joint torques required to achieve desired motions or to hold a position under external forces. This analysis is fundamental for ensuring that the robot operates within its mechanical limits and achieves accurate and efficient movement.
logs the max values for the torques.Modeling\Kinematics\math\torque\high_path_traj.py
for specdific trajectory between point 1 ~ 2.Modeling\Kinematics\math\torque\tor_symbolic.py
logs the dynamics of the robot.
Torque analysis Modeling\Kinematics\math\torque\tor_anim.py |
Torque Values Modeling\Kinematics\math\torque\tor_anim.py |
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