jupyter notebooks to create SURFEX forcing for ICOS sites and for model validation
Typical python packages needed that you probably have installed already: pandas, matplotlib, numpy, xarray, scipy, datetime
In addition, you'll need to install ICOS's specific python package icoscp
pip install icoscp
Finally, you'll need to install the meteo package to have access to some thermodinamic psicrometric formulas:
pip install meteo
Once installed, check that you can load the package and get access to their "humidity" functions:
import meteo meteo.humidity
You might get an error when importing meteo: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'humidity'
I could solve this by editing init.py in my local installation: /home/$USER/.local/lib/$PYTHONVERSION/site-packages/meteo/ and adding "." before the imports:
from .humidity import *
from .radiation import *
from .air import *
from .physdyn import *