Optimal transport (OT) theory describes general principles to define and select, among many possible choices, the most efficient way to map a probability measure onto another. That theory has been mostly used to estimate, given a pair of source and target probability measures CondOT
, a multi-task approach to estimate a family of OT maps conditioned on a context variable, using several pairs of measures CondOT
learns a global map CondOT
to infer the effect of an arbitrary combination of genetic or therapeutic perturbations on single cells, using only observations of the effects of said perturbations separately.
Location of repo on quest:
Prepare environment:
eval "$(/software/mamba/23.1.0/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA="11.2" mamba create --prefix=/projects/b1196/envs/condot -c conda-forge gxx_linux-64 gcc_linux-64 python=3.9.7 cudatoolkit=11.2
conda activate /projects/b1196/envs/condot
pip install pip-tools
Install condot:
cd /projects/b1196/ewa_group/condot/
pip-compile requirements.in
python setup.py develop
Every new dependency should be added first to requirements.in
, then:
pip-compile requirements.in
python setup.py develop
It will take a while to resolve the dependencies. No pip install
for the sake of sanity :(
screen -S condot
# Run GPU here
conda activate /projects/b1196/envs/condot
cd /projects/b1196/ewa_group/condot/
To install all dependencies, execute the following steps:
conda create --name cell python=3.9.7
conda activate cell
conda update -n base -c defaults conda
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop
In case you do not use miniconda, make sure to use the right versions of the libraries
specified in the requirements
If you want jupyter notebook support (may have errors), run the following
commands (inside cell
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=cell
Change the kernel name to cell
or create a new iPython notebook using cell
as the kernel.
To run an experiment, execute the scripts/train.py
with the particular configuration of interest. Let's look at one example:
python scripts/train.py \
--outdir ./results/models-pca-50d/scrna-sciplex3/drug-trametinib/emb-val/holdout-10/model-condot \
--config ./configs/condot.yaml \
--config ./configs/tasks/sciplex3-top1k.yaml \
--config ./configs/experiments/val.yaml \
--config ./configs/projections/pca.yaml \
--config.data.property dose \
--config.data.target trametinib \
--config.datasplit.holdout.dose 100
This executes the CondOT
model (see configs/condot.yaml
) on the Sciplex3 dataset (see configs/tasks/sciplex3-top1k.yaml
). Here, we aim at conditioning on the scalar dose
, which is a property of the Sciplex3 dataset, and thus choose a scalar embedding (see configs/experiments/val.yaml
). In the example, we use PCA as a low dimensional representation (see configs/projections/pca.yaml
), and run experiments for a selected drug, i.e., we update the config with --config.data.target trametinib
Lastly, if we want to specify a holdout value, we need to specify this in the config via --config.datasplit.holdout. ...
There are multiple datasets, see different config files in the configs/tasks
folder. Multiple embedding types are available, i.e., val
for scalars, ohe
for features and actions, moa
for mode-of-action embeddings (see also notebooks/eval/mds_perturbations.ipynb
for details).
If you would like to condition on the cell line of Sciplex3, for example, set config.data.property
to cell_type
instead of dose
. Also use configs/experiments/ohe.yaml
instead of configs/experiments/val.yaml
. For different choices of drugs, change config.data.target
. In the paper we considered Givinostat and Trametinib.
python scripts/train.py \
--outdir ./results/models-pca-50d/scrna-sciplex3/drug-givinostat/emb-ohe/holdout-K562/model-condot \
--config ./configs/condot.yaml \
--config ./configs/tasks/sciplex3-top1k.yaml \
--config ./configs/experiments/ohe.yaml \
--config ./configs/projections/pca.yaml \
--config.data.property cell_type \
--config.data.target givinostat \
--config.datasplit.holdout.cell_type K562
If you consider an autoencoder embedding rather than PCA, you need to train the corresponding autoencoder first (see the corresponding config configs/autoencoder.yaml
). When considering a holdout value, e.g., all but one dosage, make sure to train it on all but the holdout dosage with a similar strategy as described above.
python scripts/train.py \
--outdir ./results/models-ae-50d/scrna-sciplex3/drug-trametinib/emb-ohe/holdout-K562/model-autoencoder \
--config ./configs/autoencoder.yaml \
--config ./configs/tasks/sciplex3-top1k.yaml \
--config ./configs/experiments/ohe.yaml \
--config.data.property cell_type \
--config.data.target trametinib \
--config.datasplit.holdout.cell_type K562
To consider different dataset splits, e.g., splits into seen and unseen perturbations, add --split
to the training call, followed by the name of the split in your dataset.
For this experiment, we do not consider conditioning on properties, but instead the targets / perturbation themselves. For the Norman et al. dataset, config.data.condition
is already pre-specified in the configs/tasks/norman.yaml
An exemplary function call thus could be
python scripts/train.py \
--outdir ./results/models-pca-50d/scrna-norman/emb-ohe/split-1/model-condot \
--config ./configs/condot.yaml \
--config ./configs/tasks/norman.yaml \
--config ./configs/experiments/ohe.yaml \
--config ./configs/projections/pca.yaml \
--split ./datasets/scrna-norman/split-1.csv
For evaluation, please see http://github.com/bunnech/cellot.
Preprocessed datasets and splits of Srivatsan et al. (2020) and Norman et al. (2019) are provided here.
In case you found our work useful, please cite us:
title={{Supervised Training of Conditional Monge Maps}},
author={Bunne, Charlotte and Krause, Andreas and Cuturi, Marco},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
In case you have questions, reach out to bunnec@ethz.ch