This repository contains software related to the human-control (e.g. through wheel or keyboard) of simulated/real vehicles and robots.
Obtain szelectricity_common from the following repository: Or use VCS, to import prerequisite pacakge:
vcs -w1 import < ../req.repos
To use this software, install the following prerequisites:
- libncurses (sudo apt install libncurses-dev)
If you require game-like keyboard control:
- libsdl2-dev
To use the keyboard controller, compile the workspace. Then you can start the node, with the following command:
rosrun keyboard_controller keyboard_controller_node
If you see the following, you are all setup.
Car-like keyboard control
/\ :W
A:< > :D
\/ :S
Expect control commands on ctrl_cmd topic (type: autoware_msgs/ControlCommandStamped).