Welcome to Kutto, a modern web application designed to facilitate the adoption and donation process for pets. With an intuitive interface, seamless adoption flow, and user-friendly donation system, Kutto aims to revolutionize the way we interact with pet adoption.
Kutto provides a platform for potential pet owners to browse available pets, adopt pets, create donation campaigns for pets, and more. It's a place where pets and their future owners can connect and support each other.
- Email: admin@gmail.com
- Password: Ad1212..
- Client Repo: This repository serves as the main
platform and includes thefrontend
setup. - Server Repo: github/tariqul420/Kutto-Server
- Live Site: Kutto.com
- Alternate Live Site: Kutto-2.com
- Components
- Hooks:
- React Router:
- Conditional Rendering
- Context API for global state management
- React Hook Form for form handling and validation
- React
- Firebase
- Tailwind CSS
- DaisyUI
- React Router
- React Icons
- React Hot Toast
- React Hook Form
- JWT-based Authentication
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Pet Adoption: Discover and adopt pets based on your preferences.
- User Profiles: Create personal profiles to manage your adoptions, donations, and pet preferences.
- Pet Listings: View pets available for adoption with detailed profiles.
- Booking and Donation System: Easily book adoption appointments or donate to animals in need.
- Rating and Reviews for Pets: Leave and read reviews to help others make informed adoption decisions.
- Search and Filter Pets: Filter pets by type, age, size, and other characteristics to find the perfect companion.
- Interactive Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard to track your adoption journey.
- Responsive Design: Fully responsive design that works across all devices.
- Pet Matching Algorithm: Helps users find the best pets suited to their lifestyle.
- Pet Medical Records: Upload and maintain important health information for adopted pets.
- Adoption History: View past adoption records and relevant details.
- Pet Care Guides: Access educational resources on pet care and training.
- Pet Donation System: Support animal shelters or individual pets through donations.
- Live Chat with Pet Owners: Chat in real-time with pet owners or shelter representatives.
- Geo-location Based Pet Listings: Discover pets available for adoption near you.
- Video Calls for Pet Meetups: Meet your potential pet virtually before committing to adoption.
- Pet Insurance Integration: Purchase insurance for your adopted pet through the platform.
- Pet Adoption Events: Discover adoption events and fairs in your area.
- Pet Foster Program: Foster pets temporarily while waiting for a permanent home.
- Review and Feedback System: Share your adoption experience with others.
- Pet Wishlist: Save pets to your wishlist and get notified when they become available.
- Pet Profile Customization: Customize pet profiles to increase their adoption chances.
- Pet Transportation Assistance: Get help with delivering your adopted pet to your home.
- @stripe/react-stripe-js
- @stripe/stripe-js
- @tanstack/react-query
- @tanstack/react-table
- axios
- class-variance-authority
- clsx
- dompurify
- embla-carousel-autoplay
- firebase
- keep-react
- lottie-react
- lucide-react
- motion
- phosphor-react
- prop-types
- react
- react-datepicker
- react-dom
- react-hook-form
- react-hot-toast
- react-icons
- react-intersection-observer
- react-loading-skeleton
- react-quill
- react-router-dom
- react-select
- react-spinners
- sweetalert2
- swiper
- tailwind-merge
- tailwindcss-animate
- Node.js and npm installed
- MongoDB connection string
Clone the client-side repository:
git clone https://github.com/tariqul420/Kutto.git cd Kutto
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open the project in a code editor:
code .
Add the
file in the root directory and include the following environment variables:VITE_API_KEY=_____________________________ VITE_AUTH_DOMAIN=_________________________ VITE_PROJECT_ID=__________________________ VITE_STORAGE_BUCKET=______________________ VITE_MESSAGE_SENDER_ID=___________________ VITE_APP_ID=______________________________ VITE_MEASUREMENT_ID=______________________ VITE_IMGBB_API_KEY=_______________________ VITE_SERVER_API_URL=______________________ VITE_STRIPE_CLIENT_SECRET=________________
Note: Replace the
, along with other placeholders, with actual values.
Clone the client-side repository:
git clone https://github.com/tariqul420/Kutto-Server.git cd Kutto-Server
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the server:
node index.js
--- OR ---
nodemon index.js
Open the project in a code editor:
code .
Add the
file in the root directory and include the following environment variables:DATABASE_USERNAME=________________________ DATABASE_PASSWORD=________________________ ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=______________________ STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=________________________
Note: Replace the
and the.env
with actual values.