A PyTorch computer vision model for the detection and classification of rubbish in the environment from images.
Example observations/images:
Data augmentation was applied to an extremely small dataset (~88 images) to train a transfer learing model on this task.
The ResNet50 model was trained for 10 epochs.
Learning rate = 0.001, Batch size = 8
The resulting classification report is as follows:
Images within the dataset were labelled using the following classifications:
- Mixed Plastic
- No Plastic
- Plastic Bags
- Plastic Bottles
Image names and their classification labels were stored within a .csv file named ‘Images_metatdata.csv’ which uses the following structure:
image_id | image_id_root | label |
IMG_0409.JPG | IMG_0409 | No Plastic |
IMG_6949.JPG | IMG_6949 | Plastic Bottle |
IMG_6950.JPG | IMG_6950 | No Plastic |
IMG_6951.JPG | IMG_6951 | Plastic Bags |
IMG_6952.JPG | IMG_6952 | Mixed Plastic |
The folder structure used for loading this dataset is as follows:
-- Images/
-- image001.JPG
-- image002.JPG
-- image003.JPG
-- Images_metadata.csv
The following sections document the process for loading the data.
The inference script (Jupyter notebook) that is used to load the data and load the model is provided and is titled:
This notebook can be used to load the trained model which is titled:
Once the dataset and model have been loaded (using Model_Data_Loader.ipynb
) and the trained model
is loaded (using Model_Trained.pt
) the predictions may be reported using the following methods:
- Confusion matrix
- Classification report
- Classification label error plot