Project Sneak Peek 👁️ Leaffliction Computer Vision model made with Convolutional Neural Network for leaf disease identification 🧠 Multilayer Perceptron Exploring Neural Networks with a Custom Implementation and Interactive Playground App Languages / Libraries / Frameworks DataBases Tools / Cloud 42 Common Core Projects C C++ More 0 Pipex CPP00 Inception 1 Push_swap CPP01 Webserv 2 Philosophers CPP02 Transcendence 3 So_long CPP03 4 Get_next_line CPP04 5 Ft_printf CPP05 6 Libft CPP06 7 Get_next_line CPP07 8 Minishell CPP08 9 Cub3d CPP09 AI, Data and More Python SQL More 0 IA Vicomtech workshop Stanford course Mongo DB developer 1 42 IA modules Insurance upgrades pract Cheatsheets 2 DataScience_C2B_course Loan insights practice Quantum Computing IBM 3 Openbootcamp exercises Golden age ideo games pract 4 ML cred. card approval pract Design bank db pract 5 WebScrap. MobyDick pract Unicorn companies practice 6 ML agriculture pract 7 ML blood donations pract 8 ML movie rental pred. pract 9 Supply chain pract 10 Btc pract 11 DL sign lang practice 12 ML_song gendres practice 13 Analyzing crime pract 14 Hand wash discov. practice 15 Ml in history pract 16 Naive bees 1 practice 17 ML Naive bees 2 pract 18 DL Naive bees 3 pract 19 ML tweets pract 20 ML car insurance 21 ML reducing traffic mort pract 22