plugin_weaptfc_mm.sma is an AdminMod script that will allow admins to restrict weapons on-demand.
Allows restriction of any weapon and grenade by class (i.e. can prevent medic from using super shotgun, but not other classes)
Allows blocking of the 'fov' client command
Allows scripting command registration when a player respawns, or changes class or team
Allows delayed class-changes, preventing several TFC bugs/exploits
restrict <type> <id> <class> <0 | 1> - restricts or unrestricts given item for given class
<type> is the type of item being restricted:
0 - weapons 1 - grenades
<id> is the weapon/grenade id:
Grenade ids:
0 - primary 1 - secondary
Weapon ids:
0 - crowbar 9 - medikit
1 - shotgun 10 - super nailgun
2 - nailgun 11 - assault cannon
3 - sniperrifle 12 - flamethrower
4 - autorifle 13 - incendiary rocket launcher
5 - super shotgun 14 - knife
6 - rocket launcher 15 - tranquilizer
7 - grenade launcher 16 - wrench
8 - pipebomb launcher 17 - railgun
<class> is the class to restrict the weapon for:
0 - all 5 - medic
1 - scout 6 - hwguy
2 - sniper 7 - pyro
3 - soldier 8 - spy
4 - demoman 9 - engineer
<0 | 1> is to set the status of the restriction:
0 - unrestricted 1 - restricted
unrestrictall [class=0] - unrestricts all items (grenades and weapons) for given class
[class=0] is the class to unrestrict, if omitted, 0 is used meaning all classes
(effectively allowing all classes to use all items)
reg_class_cmd <cmd> - registers a command to execute when a player changes class
<cmd> is any server command to execute, it will be executed in the following manner:
<cmd> <playerindex> <oldclass> <newclass>
reg_respawn_cmd <cmd> - registers a command to execute when a player respawns
<cmd> is any server command to execute, it will be executed in the following manner:
<cmd> <playerindex>
reg_team_cmd <cmd> - registers a command to execute when a player changes team
<cmd> is any server command to execute, it will be executed in the following manner:
<cmd> <playerindex> <oldteam> <newteam>
weaptfc_version the version of this MetaMod plugin
weaptfc_blockfov if enabled, blocks users from using the FOV command to zoom-in
weaptfc_blockfastswitch if enabled, does not allow class-changes within 2 seconds