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Docker compose scripts for Glowing Bear and its dependencies.

This repository contains docker-compose scripts for running:

  • Glowing Bear and its backend services transmart-api-server, gb-backend and transmart-packer, and their databases;
  • Keycloak and its database;
  • An SSL proxy for Glowing Bear and Keycloak.

The Glowing Bear application and the backend services use Keycloak for authentication. It is preferred to have a Keycloak instance at organisation level, instead of installing it on the same machine as Glowing Bear, but we also provide instructions on how to set up Keycloak on a single machine together with Glowing Bear.

Component diagram

Please ensure that you have a recent version of Docker (>= 18). If you do not have docker-compose installed, follow the instructions to install docker-compose.

Deploying Glowing Bear and backend services

The environment variables for the docker-compose script are defined in the .env file:

Variable Description
INSTANCE_ID A unique instance identifier, e.g., DWH1
KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL URL of the Keycloak server e.g.
KEYCLOAK_REALM Keycloak realm, e.g. transmart
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID Keycloak client id, e.g. transmart-client
KEYCLOAK_OFFLINE_TOKEN Offline token of a system user with impersonation role, used by Packer to query data for exports.
DENY_ACCESS_WITHOUT_ROLE Only allow access to users with a role (default: false).
AUTOSAVE_SUBJECT_SETS Persist subject selection as subject set automatically. Use this for large data sets. (default: false).
  1. Create a system user and assign the impersonation role on the realm-managament client: Assign impersonation role
  2. Create a .env file:
    KEYCLOAK_OFFLINE_TOKEN=offline token of system user with impersonation role
  3. Run:
    docker-compose up -d

This starts:

Glowing Bear and the APIs of other services can be reached using the following urls:

Application URL
Glowing Bear http://localhost:9080
TranSMART Api Server http://localhost:9080/api/transmart-api-server
TranSMART Packer http://localhost:9080/api/transmart-packer
Gb Backend http://localhost:9080/api/gb-backend

Additionally, the TranSMART database server will be exposed at port 9432.

Setting up Keycloak

Here we describe how to set up Keycloak on a single machine together with Glowing Bear. There is a separate docker-compose script for Glowing Bear and its components and one for Keycloak. We use Nginx for setting up a reverse proxy with SSL. We assume that there is a valid SSL certificate available for two hostnames, one for Glowing Bear and one for Keycloak, which are aliases for the same machine.

Add the following variables to the .env file.

Variable Description
KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME FQDN of the Keycloak server, e.g.,
KEYCLOAK_USER Admin user name (default: admin)
KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD Password for the admin user. Please choose a strong password, generated using a password manager.
  1. Create a .env file, or add these to an existing .env file:
    KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=generate a strong password
  2. Run:
    docker-compose -f keycloak.yml up -d

Configure a realm

Keycloak is configured for use with Glowing Bear and TranSMART at first startup, using the realm configuration template. To disable this, comment out the KEYCLOAK_IMPORT line in keycloak.yml. For more information about how to set up Keycloak, see the TranSMART API server documentation

Setting up an SSL proxy

To enable SSL, we use Nginx as a proxy. There can be 2 different types of your certificates:

  • Self-signed certificates: you can generate your own certificates for development purposes. Be aware that in production your self-signed certificates will not be accepted by the users browser.

  • Certificates signed by one of CA (certificate authorities). That can be commercial ones or free (like Let's encrypt), or your organisation CA.

Self-signed certificates

To generate a self-signed certificate for hostname with aliases and, run, e.g.:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes \
  -out ssl/server.pem -keyout ssl/server.key \
  -subj "/C=NL/ST=Utrecht/L=Utrecht/O=The Hyve/" \
  -addext ","

This requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer.

Certificates signed by CA

CA usually provide you with 4 files of following types:

  • certificate file for your hostname (eg. cert.pem);

  • private key file for your hostname (eg. privkey.pem);

  • chain file (eg. chain.pem) - this file contains a certificate chain of CA

      Certificate of Root CA
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      Certificate of CA(1) signed by Root CA
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      Certificate of CA(n) signed by CA(n-1)
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    in the simplest scenario that may contain just 1 certificate;

  • full-chain file (eg. fullchain.pem) - this file is a concatenation of cert.pem and chain.pem files;

Sometimes you don't have a full-chain file, but that is not a problem, since it is possible to create one by yourself:

cp cert.pem fullchain.pem
cat chain.pem >> fullchain.pem

From those 4 files this solution requires cert.pem and full-chain.pem files. Copy them to ssl directory:

cp privkey.pem ssl/server.key
cp fullchain.pem ssl/server.pem

Common tasks

You should also copy the file ssl/server.pem to ssl/extra_certs.pem to have the certificate accepted by the services. This is for instance needed for the backend services to verify an access token with Keycloak.

Add the following variables to the .env file.

Variable Description
GLOWINGBEAR_HOSTNAME FQDN of the Glowing Bear server, e.g.,
KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME FQDN of the Keycloak server, e.g.,
  1. Prepare the .env file:
  2. Prepare the ssl/server.pem and ssl/server.key files.
  3. cp ssl/server.pem ssl/extra_certs.pem
  4. Run:
    docker-compose -f glowingbear-ssl-proxy.yml up -d

Glowing Bear should now be accessible via and Keycloak via

The services can be stopped with ./stopall.

Glowing Bear, Keycloak and the SSL proxy combined

  1. Prepare a single .env file:
    KEYCLOAK_OFFLINE_TOKEN=offline token of system user with impersonation role
    KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=choose a strong password
  2. Prepare the ssl/server.pem and ssl/server.key files.
  3. cp ssl/server.pem ssl/extra_certs.pem
  4. Run:

Running variant store connector

The startall script has a flag --connector that allows you to run your setup together with variant store connector. If you run this script without any flag or with --no-connector, your setup will run without variant store connector.

Before running variant store connector be sure that your .env file contains all variables declaration as described previously. You should also add additional variable to that file, so variant store connector will be able to find variant store instance and transmart server instance:


Be sure that you did all steps required for working with SSL proxy.

After all run:

./startall --connector

Running the docker-compose scripts locally

If you want to try these scripts locally, without having separate DNS records for Glowing Bear and Keycloak pointing to your machine, some additional steps are required:

  1. Add hostnames to your etc/hosts file:       keycloak       glowingbear
  2. Add extra_hosts to the transmart-api-server, gb-backend and transmart-packer services in docker-compose.yml (and to transmart-variant-store-connector in connector.yml if running with --connector flag):
      - "keycloak:"
  3. Set these local aliases as host names in the .env file:
  4. Use localhost, keycloak and glowingbear when generating the certificate:
    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes \
      -out ssl/server.pem -keyout ssl/server.key \
      -subj "/C=NL/ST=Utrecht/L=Utrecht/O=The Hyve/CN=localhost" \
      -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:keycloak,DNS:glowingbear"

Running multiple instances on a single host

In order to run multiple instances, a unique instance id and different ports need to be configured for Glowing Bear, the TranSMART database and, optionally Keycloak and the variant store connector. Since the SSL proxy always listens on port 443 (the default https port), running multiple SSL proxies is not supported. Please set up your own SSL proxy for multiple instances instead. Create a directory per instance with a .env file containing the configuration for that instance.

An example of such configuration in the /var/data-warehouses/dhw2/.env file:


Start the instance DWH2:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml --project-directory /var/data-warehouses/dwh2 up


Logs are written to journald by default. The logs can be inspected with

journalctl -f -u docker.service

and for individual services with docker logs <service-name> -f, e.g.,

docker logs transmart-api-server -f

If journald is not available (e.g., on MacOS), add DOCKER_LOGGING_DRIVER=json-file to the .env file. Logs can then still be inspected with docker logs, but not with journalctl.


The project tasks and known issues are managed on the project board.


This project was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the project DIFUTURE - Data Integration for Future Medicine within the German Medical Informatics Initiative (grant no. 01ZZ1804D).


MIT © 2019 The Hyve.