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Puppet module for TranSMART.

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This is the repository containing a puppet module for deploying the TranSMART application. TranSMART is an open source data sharing and analytics platform for translational biomedical research, which is maintained by the tranSMART Foundation. Official releases can be found on the TranSMART Foundation website, and the TranSMART Foundation's development repositories can be found at

The module creates system user transmart (unless it is configured to a different name) and installs and configures service transmart-server (a systemd process run as user transmart). The repository used to fetch the required TranSMART packages from is configurable and defaults to

This module only supports the 17.x versions of TranSMART.

Dependencies and installation

The instructions are for installing

Install Puppet

# For Debian 9 and Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt install puppet

# For Ubuntu 16.04
sudo dpkg -i puppet5-release-xenial.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install puppet5-release

# Check Puppet version, Puppet 5 should be fine.
puppet --version

Operating system packages

The module expects certain packages to be available through the package manager of the operating system (e.g., yum or apt):

  • For all components:
    • java-1.8.0-openjdk

Puppet modules

The module depends on the archive and java puppet modules. For creating the database, the postgresql module is required. We use the keycloak module for Keycloak and nginx as a HTTP proxy, for configuring SSL certificates.

The most convenient way is to run puppet module install as root:

sudo puppet module install puppet-archive -v 3.0.0
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-java -v 3.3.0
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-postgresql
sudo puppet module install treydock-keycloak --version 3.0.0
sudo puppet module install puppet-nginx --version 0.13.0

Check the installed modules:

sudo puppet module list --tree

Install the transmart_core, glowing_bear and gb_backend modules

Copy the transmart_core, glowing_bear and gb_backend module repositories to the /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules directory:

cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules
git clone transmart_core
git clone glowing_bear
git clone gb_backend


This tutorial assumes that you want to install Keycloak, TranSMART and Glowing Bear on one server with aliases,,

For configuring TranSMART using this module, the following steps are required:

  1. Setting up a Hiera configuration file;
  2. Setting up a node manifest;
  3. Configure Keycloak;
  4. Run Puppet to start the transmart-server service;

1. Configuring a node using Hiera

It is preferred to configure the module parameters using Hiera. To get started with Hiera, see the documentation for Puppet 5.5.

Defaults can be configured in a common.yaml file, e.g.:


Machine specific configuration can be placed in a machine specific file, e.g.,

# Transmart API server configuration
# transmart_core::disable_server: true
transmart_core::version: 17.2.4
transmart_core::number_of_workers: 2
transmart_core::db_user: db_admin
transmart_core::db_password: <password>
transmart_core::memory: 8g
transmart_core::keycloak_realm: transmart
transmart_core::keycloak_client_id: transmart-client
transmart_core::liquibase_on: true

# Glowing Bear configuration
glowing_bear::port: 8085
glowing_bear::repository: releases
glowing_bear::version: 2.0.8
glowing_bear::authentication_service_type: oidc
glowing_bear::oidc_client_id: transmart-client

# Glowing Bear backend configuration
gb_backend::repository: releases
gb_backend::version: 1.0.3
gb_backend::db_password: <password>
gb_backend::transmart_server_url: http://localhost:8080
gb_backend::keycloak_realm: transmart
gb_backend::keycloak_client_id: transmart-client
gb_backend::keycloak_offline_token: PLACEHOLDER  # only required for subscribe and notify

# Keycloak configuration
keycloak::proxy_https: true
keycloak::datasource_driver: 'mysql'
keycloak::datasource_host: localhost
keycloak::datasource_port: 3306
keycloak::datasource_dbname: 'keycloak'
keycloak::datasource_username: 'keycloak'
keycloak::datasource_password: '<password>'
keycloak::admin_user: 'admin'
keycloak::admin_user_password: '<password>'
keycloak::http_port: 8081

# Optional PostgreSQL server configuration
postgresql::globals::version: '10'
postgresql::globals::manage_package_repo: true

    value: 1.1

Make sure the naming of the .yaml files matches the path patterns in the Hiera hierarchy.

2. The node manifest

For each node where you want to install TranSMART, the module needs to be included with include ::transmart_core::api_essentials.

Here is an example manifest file /etc/puppetlabs/code/environment/production/manifests/

node '' {
  # Install the MySQL database server and Keycloak
  include mysql::server
  include keycloak

  class { 'nginx': }

  # Forward to port 8081
  nginx::resource::server { '':
    ssl         => true,
    proxy       => 'http://localhost:8081',
    ssl_cert    => '/etc/ssl/certs/example.pem',
    ssl_key     => '/etc/ssl/private/example.key',
    location_cfg_append => {
       'proxy_set_header' => ['X-Forwarded-Proto https'],

  # pspp is required for export to SPSS format.
  ensure_packages(['pspp'], { ensure => 'present' })

  # Apply PostgreSQL configuration parameters, specified in Hiera
  $postgres_config_entries = hiera_hash('postgres_config', {})
  create_resources('postgresql::server::config_entry', $postgres_config_entries)

  include ::transmart_core::api_essentials
  include ::transmart_core::database

  # Forward to port 8080
  nginx::resource::server { '':
    ssl         => true,
    proxy       => 'http://localhost:8080',
    ssl_cert    => '/etc/ssl/certs/example.pem',
    ssl_key     => '/etc/ssl/private/example.key',

  include ::glowing_bear::complete

  # Forward to port 8085
  nginx::resource::server { '':
    ssl         => true,
    proxy       => 'http://localhost:8085',
    ssl_cert    => '/etc/ssl/certs/example.pem',
    ssl_key     => '/etc/ssl/private/example.key',

  include ::gb_backend

  # Forward to port 8083
  nginx::resource::server { '':
    ssl         => true,
    proxy       => 'http://localhost:8083',
    ssl_cert    => '/etc/ssl/certs/example.pem',
    ssl_key     => '/etc/ssl/private/example.key',

This installs keycloak, transmart-api-server, glowing-bear and gb-backend and prepares PostgreSQL for creating a TranSMART database.

The node manifest can also be in another file, e.g., site.pp.

3. Configure Keycloak

Follow the steps in the API server documentation for setting up Keycloak with a realm and client for TranSMART.

4. Run Puppet to start the transmart-server service

sudo puppet apply

Check the boot messages of the TranSMART API service:

sudo journalctl -u transmart-server.service -f

Transmart should now be available on (serving OpenAPI documentation) Glowing Bear should now be available on (redirecting to Keycloak)

Module parameters

Overview of the parameters that can be used in Hiera to configure the module. Alternatively, the parameters of the ::transmart_core::params class can be used to configure these settings.

Hiera key Default value Description
transmart_core::version 17.2.4 The version of the TranSMART artefacts to install.
transmart_core::db_user The database admin username. (Mandatory)
transmart_core::db_password The database admin password. (Mandatory)
transmart_core::biomart_user_password The password of the biomart_user database user.
transmart_core::memory 2g The memory limit for the JVM.
transmart_core::app_port 8080 The port the transmart-server application runs on.
transmart_core::disable_server false (Temporarily) disable transmart-server.
transmart_core::number_of_workers Number of threads to use for parallel features.
transmart_core::max_connections 50 Maximum number of database connections used by the application.
transmart_core::keycloak_server_url Identity provider server url, e.g.,
transmart_core::keycloak_realm A realm is container with clients, users and permissions, e.g., transmart.
transmart_core::keycloak_client_id OpenID Connect client id, e.g., transmart-client.
transmart_core::liquibase_on false Enables DB update on startup by liquibase. Requires log2database to be false and ::transmart_core::liquibase to be included.
transmart_core::install_pg_bitcount false Install the pg_bitcount module for PostgreSQL. Only supported for Debian/Ubuntu based systems.

The parameters for the glowing_bear module are documented in the glowing_bear module repository, for Keycloak, consult the keycloak module repository.

Advanced parameters

These parameters usually do no have to be used for installations. If you want to install a development snapshot version of TranSMART, you need to change the repository.

Hiera key Default value Description
transmart_core::nexus_url The Nexus/Maven repository server.
transmart_core::repository releases The repository to use. [snapshots, releases]
transmart_core::user transmart System user that runs the application.
transmart_core::user_home /home/${user} The user home directory
transmart_core::db_type postgresql The database type. [postgresql]
transmart_core::db_host localhost The database server host name.
transmart_core::db_port 5432 / 1521 The database server port. (db_port_spec in the params class.)
transmart_core::db_name transmart / ORCL The database name. (db_name_spec in the params class.)

Advanced options

Configuring a node in the manifest file

Alternatively, the node specific configuration can also be done with class parameters in the node manifest. Here is an example:

node '' {
    # Site specific configuration for Transmart
    class { '::transmart_core::params':
        db_type      => 'oracle',
        db_user      => 'test as sysdba',
        db_password  => 'my secret',
        db_port_spec => 1521,
        db_name_spec => 'transmart',

    include ::transmart_core::api-server

Node the use of db_port_spec and db_name_spec instead of db_port and db_name here.

Configuring the use of a proxy

node '' {
    # ...

    # Configure a proxy for fetching artefacts
    Archive::Nexus {
        proxy_server => 'http://proxyurl:80',
    # Configure a proxy for fetching packages with yum
    Yumrepo {
        proxy => 'http://proxyurl:80',

Manage systemd services

Start the transmart-server service:

sudo systemctl start transmart-server

Check the status of the service:

sudo systemctl status transmart-server

Stop the service:

sudo systemctl stop transmart-server

Check log of the service

sudo journalctl -u transmart-server.service

Same commands are applicable to gb-backend.service.



The module has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Puppet version 5.5.22. There are some automated tests, run using rake.

A version of ruby before 2.4 is required. rvm can be used to install a specific version of ruby. Use rvm install 2.4 to use ruby version 2.4.

Rake tests

Install rake using the system-wide ruby:

yum install ruby-devel
gem install bundler
export PUPPET_VERSION=5.5.22

or using rvm:

rvm install 2.4
gem install bundler
export PUPPET_VERSION=5.5.22

Run the test suite:

rake test


Overview of the classes defined in this module.

Class name Description
::transmart_core Creates the system users.
::transmart_core::config Generates the application configuration.
::transmart_core::backend Installs the transmart-server service.
::transmart_core::api_essentials Installs all of the above.
::transmart_core::solr Installs the transmart-solr service.
::transmart_core::rserve Installs the transmart-rserve service.
::transmart_core::essentials Installs all of the above.
::transmart_core::data Installs transmart-data in the tsloader home directory.
::transmart_core::batch Installs transmart-batch in the tsloader home directory.
::transmart_core::thehyve_repositories Configures The Hyve repositories for apt or yum.
::transmart_core::complete Installs all of the above.
::transmart_core::database Installs postgresql with the database admin credentials and required tablespace directories.
::transmart_core::liquibase Installs postgresql and creates a database for use with liquibase_on: true.


Copyright © 2017–2019   The Hyve.

The puppet module for TranSMART is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see