Releases: ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau
Releases · ticaki/ioBroker.tagesschau
Release v0.5.0
- (ticaki) States added for browsing.
- (ticaki) Another attempt to constantly sort the videos in the same way.
- (ticaki) Control states reorganised.
- (ticaki) Placeholder images for no messages now work
Release v0.4.3
- (ticaki) remove some helper code to do translations
Release v0.4.2
- (ticaki) make the code fit for latest
Release v0.4.1
- (ticaki) videos always in the same order.
Release v0.4.0
- (ticaki) Command data point for defining the first news to be displayed
- (ticaki) Reduce object updates
- (ticaki) Total number of news as a data point
- (ticaki) We not in hurry, write object updates slowly.
- (ticaki) Info log messages are a bit more fun. (error and warn messages are not funny at all)
Release v0.3.2
- (ticaki) added length to videos
- (ticaki) System load reduced at startup
Release v0.3.1
- (ticaki) Back to stable admin
Release v0.3.0
- (ticaki) States are only updated when changes are made.
- (ticaki) Last update Data point added with timestamp of the last successful data access
- (ticaki) Emptying of data points improved
- (ticaki) Placeholder images inserted for no news.
- (ticaki) User-defined keywords with
- (ticaki) Requires admin version 7.4.9 or higher
Release v0.2.3
- (ticaki) Fixed: Adapter deletes own states
Release v0.2.2
- (ticaki) Fixed: Adapter deletes own states