This is the first beta release please report any problems.
If all goes well updates will run from this version forward stopping any need for more downloads..
If not a new version will be released and update stream reset..
Unlike other releases this one changes the Arch core setup correcting several problems with the nodes core
processes. And auto correction for errors. A total list of changes are in the file. Many improvements to bring
arch up to current standards. And all of the problems GMRS users have had in the past are fixed and packed
into this image. So there are lots of things that can go wrong. Ive bug checked this myself but your help is
needed. I dont have access to all hardware types.
Louisiana Node image. v11
Requires a min of a 8g sd card.
Status page admin
Image is upgradable after setup run the update to get the latest changed.
If upgrading take photos of all your settings.
1 go through setup
2 go through config setup for usb settings or exit and use the simpleusb editor.
3 reboot ast
4 Set passwords for root and admin in the status page.
5 Expand image to fit your memory card
6 Use setup in admin to set your location and weather settings.
This is easer to setup on the status page admin area with its help screens.
7 adjust settings for the info you want anounced with the time. temp weather ....
Location needs to be changed from alex to your localweather station and gps pos
so it can read storm tracks from the NWS alert system
Use WIN32 disk imager to Make backups.
Click the blue folder set a filename.img and then your read button will be clickable.
What is the update system. Once i have a final working release the update system will allow you to move
to the next version without downloading a new image. This is totally different than other images.
Download only the .zip file Source code not applicable thats the updates.
Remember to read the txt file to get the default passwords.......