Raspberry Pi Home Brew Controller
This project uses a Raspberry Pi to monitor and control the process of brewing beer using a BIAB home brewery. All of the monitoring and control logic is programmed using Python. A WebPy webserver is used to serve the html5 brewing interface to any compatible web browser. The Raspberry Pi's gpio is used to monitor and control the following equipment:
*16x2 LCD screen
*Control Panel Buttons
*DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
*Propane Solenoid Valve
*Propane Regulator Servo Motor
*Electronic Spark Module
*Water Solenoid Valve for Counterflow Heat Exchanger
A PID controller is used to control the mash temperature by adjusting the propane burner's output. The burner output is controlled by using a servo motor to adjust the position of the propane regulator's valve.
Python Code Structure - steve71's RasPiBrew python code was used extensively for the early development. https://github.com/steve71/RasPiBrew
Servo Motor Control - richardghirst's servo blaster software is used to operate the servo motor. https://github.com/richardghirst/PiBits/tree/master/ServoBlaster
16x2 LCD - Adafruit's python LCD code is used to update the lcd using gpio. https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code/tree/master/Adafruit_CharLCD
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor - Adafruit's python DS18B20 code is used to monitor the temperature sensor. http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-11-ds18b20-temperature-sensing/overview
HTML5 Widgets - The JMWidgets library was used extensively to develop the html interface. http://www.jmwidgets.com/