These are my personal solutions to the advent-of-code procrastination shenanigans. Instead of having multiple repositories I prefer to have them all in one.
Every year I might switch and try out a different language, that's why each year has its own root and tooling.
For setting up reproducible tooling and developer environments I use Nix and my personal tsandrini/flake-parts-builder template bulder which you can find in every year. This makes it fairly easy to set up radically different tooling every year.
- 2024: Using Rust and a modified and nixified version of
the fspoettel/advent-of-code-rust
template. I initially wanted to goof around with pure nix but I am unfortunately
pretty busy so Rust it is. Solutions located at
- 2023: Used OCaml OCaml this year. Pretty good year,
missed only the last problems. Solutions located at
- 2022: Using Rust and a modified and nixified version of
the fspoettel/advent-of-code-rust
template. Solutions located at