Development/hielke2024 #110
3 errors, 1 fail, 64 pass in 1s
Check failure on line 0 in
github-actions / Unit Test Results (x64-windows)
Test regex_builder functionality ( with error
testresults-x64-windows.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Enable this feature with -DENABLE_DATABASE=ON on cmake.
at D:/a/FlexFringe/FlexFringe/tests/testregex.cpp:22
Using heuristic evidence_driven
regex for nodes:
Got regex with size: 0
regex for nodes:-1,
Got regex with size: 0
deleted merger
Check failure on line 0 in
github-actions / Unit Test Results (x64-windows)
AbbadingoReader: smoke test/Testing read method ( with error
testresults-x64-windows.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
{Unknown expression after the reported line}
{Unknown expression after the reported line}
at D:/a/FlexFringe/FlexFringe/tests/testinputdata.cpp:44
Check failure on line 0 in
github-actions / Unit Test Results (x64-windows)
AbbadingoReader: smoke test/Testing iteration method ( with error
testresults-x64-windows.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
{Unknown expression after the reported line}
{Unknown expression after the reported line}
at D:/a/FlexFringe/FlexFringe/tests/testinputdata.cpp:55
Check warning on line 0 in
github-actions / Unit Test Results (x64-windows)
Smoke test: dot output ( failed
testresults-x64-windows.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
actual_output, Equals(expected_output)
REQUIRE_THAT( actual_output, Equals(expected_output) )
with expansion:
"// produced with flexfringe //
digraph DFA {
-1 [label="root" shape=box];
I -> -1;
-1 [ label="-1 #25 fin: 0:8 ,
path: 1:2 , 0:15 , " , penwidth=1];
-1 -> 1 [label="a " , penwidth=1 ];
-1 -> -1 [label="b " , penwidth=1 ];
-1 -> -1 [label="c " , penwidth=1 ];
-1 -> -1 [label="d " , penwidth=1 ];
1 [ label="1 #8 fin: 0:2 ,
path: 1:4 , 0:2 , " , penwidth=1];
1 -> -1 [label="a " , penwidth=1 ];
1 -> 1 [label="b " , penwidth=1 ];
1 -> 3 [label="c " , penwidth=1 ];
1 -> 3 [label="d " , penwidth=1 ];
3 [ label="3 #2 fin: 1:2 ,
path: " , penwidth=1];
" equals: "// produced with flexfringe //
digraph DFA {
-1 [label="root" shape=box];
I -> -1;
-1 [ label="-1 #25 fin: 0:8 ,
path: 1:2 , 0:15 , " , style=filled, fillcolor="firebrick1", width=1.44882,
height=1.44882, penwidth=3.2581];
-1 -> 1 [label="a " , penwidth=3.2581 ];
-1 -> -1 [label="b " , penwidth=3.2581 ];
-1 -> -1 [label="c " , penwidth=3.2581 ];
-1 -> -1 [label="d " , penwidth=3.2581 ];
1 [ label="1 #8 fin: 0:2 ,
path: 1:4 , 0:2 , " , style=filled, fillcolor="firebrick1", width=1.16228,
height=1.16228, penwidth=2.19722];
1 -> -1 [label="a " , penwidth=2.19722 ];
1 -> 1 [label="b " , penwidth=2.19722 ];
1 -> 3 [label="c " , penwidth=2.19722 ];
1 -> 3 [label="d " , penwidth=2.19722 ];
3 [ label="3 #2 fin: 1:2 ,
path: " , style=filled, fillcolor="firebrick1", width=0.741276, height=0.
741276, penwidth=1.09861];
at D:/a/FlexFringe/FlexFringe/tests/smoketest.cpp:173
Using heuristic evidence_driven
m2 m2 m2 x5 m1 m1 x1 m1 no more possible merges
starting greedy merging