Requirements: NVidia X, CUDA and NVidia-Docker2 on host
Edit, creates and deploys ThereminQ data visualisations
docker run --gpus all -d -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -p 6080:6080 -v /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority -h $HOSTNAME twobombs/thereminq-bonsai
- If you get an error similar to
"Cannot connect to :0"
please look at$ xhost +local:root
- If you get a succesful initialisation followed by a coredump set
ulimit -c unlimited
- If you can't get NVidia GPU to render OpenGL with other GPU
apt install nvidia-prime
and set renderer toprime-select nvidia
- If you get an error similar to
"Cannot compile shader"
please select nvidia as your primary OpenGL sourceprime-select nvidia
- If you get a timeout on the import of large models ( > 3M particles ) follow this guide
- If you want to import a smaller amount of particles due to VRAM limitations and/or performance issues use
BONSAI thank you Jeroen Bedorf
QRACK thank you Daniel Strano
More bonsai images by ThereminQ's visualisation script can be viewed and downloaded here