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A simple and light-weight utility module for mysql and nodejs.

This plugin helps construct mysql queries with more relatable syntax just like most non-sql database management systems. It is a NodeJs module available through the npm registry so be sure to download and install NodeJS first.


npm install --save mysql-query-util


The plugin abstracts most redundant mysql CRUD queries from the developer by providing an easier and more declarative way of constructing queries for:

Configuration and usage

Here is an example of how to use the plugin: Note: You can either pass positional args or an object to the methods.

const mysqlUtil = require("mysql-query-util");

    host: process.env.DB_HOST, //database host, eg: localhost
    user: process.env.DB_USER, // database user, eg: root
    password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD, //database password,eg: anything
    database: process.env.DB_NAME // database name, eg: anything,
    connectionLimit: 25 // connection Limit(Integer)

const queryResult = await, fields, params|Optional);
const queryResult = await{tableName:String, fields:[fieds|columns_to_select], params:[[params|optional]]});

eg: const result = await"users");
eg: const result = await{tableName:'users'});

The above code first initializes a connection before making queries.The initialization happens only once as it creates a connection pool and returns an connection object to be used for subsequent queries.

In the second paragraph, since all the methods return a promise, we await for the promise or use the .then to get the result of the operation.

Selection query

The package exposes a .select method that runs a mysql select query. This method accepts three(3) positional arguments or an object -

// Fetch all record from `users` table
const result = await"users");
// OR
const result = await{ tableName: "users" }).then((res) => {});

// Fetch the name and age from the users table
const result = await"users", ["name", "age"]);
// OR
const result = await{
  tableName: "users",
  fields: ["name", "age"],

// Fetch all female users whose age is greater that 40
const result = await"users", "*", [
  ["gender", "like", "female"],
  ["AND", "age", ">", 40],
// OR
const result = await{
  tableName: "users",
  fields: ["name", "age"],
  params: [
    ["gender", "like", "female"],
    ["OR", "age", ">", 40],
}); // To fetch the name and age of all female users that pass a given condition.

Insert Query

Similary, there is a .insert method that runs a mysql insert query. This method accepts two(2) positional arguments or an object -

// Insert into `users` table
let data = {
  name: "Foo Bar",
  gender: "female",
  age: 28,
const result = await mysqlUtil.insert("users", data); // mysqlUtil.insert({tableName:"users", data}).then((res) => {});

// OR
const result = await mysqlUtil.insert({ tableName: "users", data: data });

Update Query

To run an update, use the .update method. This method accepts three arguments(The table, the new data, and the update condition).

// Insert into `users` table
let newData = {
  gender: "male",
let updateCondition = [
  ["id", "=", 55],
  ["AND", "age", "=", 28],
const result = await mysqlUtil.update("users", newData, updateCondition);


const result = await mysqlUtil.update({
  tableName: "users",
  data: newData,
  params: updateCondition,

Delete Query

The .delete method accepts two arguments- The table name and the delete condition:

let params = [["id", "=", 55]];
const result = mysqlUtil.delete("users", params);


const result = mysqlUtil.delete({ tableName: "users", params: params }); // mysqlUtil.delete({ tableName: "users", params });

.query method

The package also exposes a generic .query method. See the test folder on github for examples(apis, test) on how to use this method and the ones listed above.

Handling Raw SQL query

With the .rawQuery method, raw sql queries can be executed. Also, this method can be used to call stored procedures.

  .rawQuery("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS kings_restaurant")
  .then((result) => {
      "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255), phone VARCHAR(255))"


const result = await mysqlUtil.rawQuery("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS testdb");

const result = await mysqlUtil.rawQuery("select * from customers");

const result = await mysqlUtil.rawQuery("call fetchCustomers"); // Where fetchCustomers is the name of a stored procedure.

See the test folder on github for examples on how to use this method.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


Utility module for mysql and nodejs







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