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UMA 2.11 Alpha 4.1

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@Jaimi Jaimi released this 10 Dec 03:48
· 287 commits to develop since this release

Whats new in 2.11

New minimum Unity version 2019.4

Alpha 4.1
Added dialog when importing the new version. Allows you to rebuild or restore the index from backup.
Added option to "always rebuild skeleton" on DynamicCharacterAvatar.
Fixed bug in Bone Cleaner
Fixed bug in build when UMAData was null
Additional null checking in UMAMeshData
Added new version of RaceChange() on DynamicCharacter avatar that lets you force a rebuild.
Added flipping, highlighting to bone pose editor
Added "find UMA" to bone pose editor, so you don't have to select it
Bone Pose Editor will now remember the selected UMA when possible
Bone Pose Editor will now allow mirroring on X,Y,Z axis. Default UMA (blender export) is on Y axis.

Alpha 4
Removed deprecated UMAGeneratorGlib;
Added ability to change color channel length on shared colors in recipe editor.
Added ability Property Blocks to Overlay Colors (shared colors). Now you can set floats, vectors, ints, colors, matrixes, etc.
Made it possible to have Overlays with no texture channels (these overlays can be modified with material property blocks).
Reworked the bone cleaner to make it more robust
Added filters to colors in DCA customizer section

Alpha 3.1
Several bugfixes with skeleton building fixed.

Alpha 3
New faster build method without coroutines ("No coroutines" on generator).
Skeleton is now removed during racechange in generator, not build process.
Can now specify bones to keep when building slots. (for mount points, etc)
On UMAMountedItem, will not set an ignore layer on itself, so it doesn't get deleted in some cases
New normal detail map merge method (works with URP/HDRP)
Slot builder can now auto-name slots based on materials
Numerous bug fixes on skeleton updates
Please note: to see speed gains, you must build your application. They may not be evident in the editor.

Alpha 2.1 (Bugfix Update)
Fixed bone cleanup at edit-time generation (was not needed and caused reference issues in scripts).
Fixed UMAMountedItem so it would not create new mountpoints every time the editor started up.
Fixed "Add All" DNA button not doing anything
Fixed Color DNA not applying correctly after the first time in editor
Fixed some possible null refs in Physics Avatar
Fixed some possible null refs in UMASkeleton

Alpha 2
Added scaling to UMAMountedItem
Forearm Twist slot script will now let you set the names of the bones
Fixed issue in randomizer that would cause it to break
Added support for more than 4 boneweights. Can now use as many boneweights as you like.
Reworked the SkinnedMeshCombiner to use the new boneweights, resulting in a speed improvement in release build.
Added ability to transform (scale and rotate) an overlay in a recipe.
Fixed error in build when edit-time UMA's were used in scene.

Alpha 1
UMA characters are now visible at edit time (can be disabled)
Made an edit time DNA editor, combined with colors and wardrobe under "customization".
Added UpdateBounds() function.
Added load/save preset in the editor.
Default colors are now white/black for the various colors on the race.
New events: WardrobeAdded and WardrobeRemoved.

New object to make mounting simpler. Add this to an object you want to make mountable. Specify the bone you want to attach it to, and any offset/rotation. Will automatically attach and process, and survive rebuilds.

New: Wildcard slots. This is a type of utility slots that can be added to recipes, which allows you to place overlays onto slots (or other overlays) based on tag. So you can place an
overlay onto a "Torso" without knowing the actual slot ID, just the tag. This allows you to reuse recipes for slots that have the same UV coordinates.
Made blender slot rotation fixup optional.

Global Library
Functions (and menu items) to backup and restore the Global Library.
Made the Build Preprocessor optional (off by default)

Fixed some possible warnings during overlay generation.
Fixed race loading in editor so it does not need to instantiate the race to get slots
Lot of minor issues where assumptions were made in code that occasionally weren't true.
URP conversion option will convert hair to use Speedtree8 shader

Added option EnableRenderers to turn on/off the renderer manager for toggling between first and third person.