v2.8.1 RC1
UMA 2.8.1 RC 1
Restructed files and folders.
Easier to delete examples.
Added ASMDEF files to speed compiles. (This is a 2017.3+ feature)
Various minor fixes and updates (new accessors, build issues fixed, etc).
Added DCA Randomizer and Random Crowd generator and scene.
Updated General Documentation.
Added Content Creation documentation.
Upgrading from 2.8:
- You should remove the previous UMA folder before importing! Save all your custom content somewhere, and delete the UMA folder. Many files have changed location.
Upgrading from 2.7 or a previous version
- With the change in type, your global library will need to be rebuilt.
- You can update the old DNAConverterBehaviour prefabs to the new DNAConverterControllers by selecting the warning in the console and following the text directions.
- HumanMale and HumanFemale are now using Bone Poses for initial bone morphs. This can cause some slight differences in characters having DNA applied. If you need the old behavior, you should change your race to the "Legacy" version of the races.
- Note: Blendshapes do not work correctly on 2018.3 when GPU skinning is enabled. Please disable GPU skinning in your 2018.3 project until Unity has addressed this bug.