Kubernetes-Notes from "Kubernetes in Action"
- Kubernetes-Notes
- open source
- orchestrator
- for deploying containerized app
- Cluster -> is a set of nodes
- Nodes -> virtual CPUs
- contains set of pods
- Pods -> Kubernetes basic unit
- contains one of few containers

- API Server - We and other control plane component communicates with it.
- Scheduler - Which schedule your app (assign a worker node to each deployable component of your app)
- Controller Manager - performs cluster level functions like replicating components, handling node failure
- etcd - store cluster config
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config get-contexts --no-headers | wc -l
- A pod is a group of one or more closely related containers that will always run together on same worker node.
- All containers in a pod share the same IP address and port space, so a container can communicate to other containers in the same pod through localhost.
- Pods (same node or different node) can communicate with other pods via IP address like a computer on LAN.

kubectl create -f kubia-manual.yaml
pod "kubia-manual" created
kubectl get po kubia-manual -o yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs kubia-manual
kubectl logs kubia-manual -c <container-name>
kubectl port-forward kubia-manual 8888:8080
- Help to split resources into separate, non-overlapping groups.
- To get list of namespace in a cluster
kubectl get ns
- If we don't specify a namespace, it will pick
namespace. - Create a namespace
- Namespace doesn't provide network isolation. There's nothing preventing a pod to send HTTP request to other pod in different namespace
- Deleting a pod
kubectl delete po <pod-name>
- If a pod is created by ReplicationController, RC will create a new pod. To delete the pod, we need to delete the RC
- To delete all resources
kubectl delete all -all
- Liveness Probes
- Kubernetes will periodically execute the probe and restart the container if the probe fails.
- 3 probing mechanism:
- HTTP Get
- TCP Socket
- Exec
- Options - delay=0s -> probing begins immediately - timeout=1s -> container must return a response in 1s or probe is failed - period=10s -> container is probed every 10s - failure=3 -> container is restarted after 3 failed probes
- Kubernetes resource that ensure its pods are always kept running.
- It makes sure the actual number of pods of a "type" always matches the desired number.
- kind: ReplicationController
- ReplictionControllers are replaced by ReplicaSet.
- ReplicaSet are usually not created directly, but are created automatically by Deployment resource.
- kind: ReplicaSet

- When you want a pod to run on each and every node in the cluster and run exactly once.
- Ex - Run a log collector and a resource monitor.
- If a node goes down, the DaemonSet doesn't cause the pod to be created elsewhere. But when a new node is added to the cluster, the DaemonSet deploys a new pod instance in it.
- We can specify DaemonSet to run on a certain nodes.

- Used when we want to run a task that terminates after completing it's work.
- ReplicaSets, DaemonSets run task continuously. If process exist, pod will get restarted.

- completion - If we need a job to run more than once.
- parallelism - #no. of pods that can run in parallel.
- Batch jobs that needs to run at a specific time in the future or repeatedly in a specified interval.

- schedule: "0,15,30,45 * * * *"
- min, hr, day of month, month, day of week
- 0,15,30,45 -> min mark of every hr of every day of month, every month and on every day of the week.
- ie. run every 15 min
- It should be idempotent.
- Pods needs a way of finding other pods if they want to consume the services they provide
- Specifying exact IP address or hostname wouldn't work in kubernetes:
- Pods are ephemeral - They may come and go at any time.
- Kubernetes assigns an IP address to a pod after it has been scheduled to a node
- Horizontal scaling means multiple pods can provide the same service.
- Solution? - Kubernetes Service
- is a resource to make a single, constant point of entry to a group of pods providing the same service.
- Each service has an IP and a port that never changes while the service exist.

- Service endpoint
- Manually configuring service endpoints
- Creating an alias for external service
- Exposing services to external clients
- Setting the service type to NodePort
- Each cluster node opens a port on the node itself.
- Setting the service type to LoadBalancer
- Access the service via a dedicated load balancer.
- Creating an Ingress resource
- Setting the service type to NodePort
- Create an Ingress controller runnig in a cluster
- kubectl get ingresses // list of ingresses
- We can map different services on different parths and ports
- Configure Ingress to handle TLS traffic (HTTPS)
- Pod during start up may need time to load configuration or data or may need to perform a warm-up to prevent the first user request from taking too long.
- Readiness Probe
- Invoked periodically and determies whether the specific pod should receive request or not.
- Types of Readiness Probes
- Exec probe - a process is executed and status is determined by the process exit status code.
- HTTP Get probe - sends an HTTP Get requet and status code determine status of container.
- TCP Socket Probe - opens a TCP connection to a port of the container. If connection is established, the container is ready.
- In liveness probes, if a container fails, it will be killed or restarted.
- In Readiness probes, if a container fails the check, it won't be killed or restarted. Instead it will removed from the service. If the pod becomes ready again, it's re-added.
- kubectl get pods --watch
- kubectl get pods -o yaml --watch
- Scheduler specify which cluster node a pod should run on.
- Both the Control Plane component and Kubelet emit events to the API server as they perform these actions.
- kubectl get events --watch
- Request - specify the amount of CPU and memory that a container needs. Min limit
- Limit - Hard limit on what it may consume. Max limit
- Specific to each containers and not for the pod as a whole.
- We can see CPU consumption by running
command inside the contianer -
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> top
- resource requests - min amount of resources required by the pod.
- When scheduling a pod, the Scheduler will only consider nodes with enough unallocated resources to meet the pod's resource requiremnt.
- Containers are allowed to use up all the CPU if other process are sitting idle.
- If we want to prevent certain containers from using up more than a specific amount of CPU, we need to limit the amoun of memory/cpu a container can consume.
- If we only specify limit and not request, the value of the limit will be set as requested.
- The sum of resource limits of all pods on a node can exceed 100% of the node's capactiy.
- When a CPU limit is set for a container, the process isn't given more CPU time than the configured limit.
- When a process tries to allocate memory over its limit, the process is killed. (OOMKilled - OOM - out of Memory)
- CrashLoopBackOff - it means kubectl is restarting in exponential backoff time.
- 0s, 20s, 40s, 160, 300s .. 300s..300s (5 min)
- top command shows the memroy amount of the whole node the container is running on.
- Even though we set a limit on how much memory is avilable to a container, the container will not be aware of the limit.
- Container will also see all node's CPUs regardless of the CPU limit configured for the container.
- Kubenetes can monitor pods and scale them up automatically as soon as it detects an increase in the CPU usage or some other metric.
- Horizontal pod autoscaling
- performed by Horizontal controller, which is enabled and configured by creating a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) resource.
- Steps:
- Obtain metrics
- Calculate no. of pods requried to bring the metric.
- Update the replicas field
- Obtain metrics - Pods and node metrics are collected by an agent called cAdvisor, (runs in Kubelet)
- They are aggregated by cluster-wide component called Heapster.
- Autoscalar - It sums up the metric values of all the pods, dividing that by the target value set on the HorizontalPodAutoscaler.
- Updating the desired replica count
- Create a HPA object
kubectl autoscale deployment <pod-name> --cpu-percent=30 --min=1 --max=5
It's limiting cpu usage by 30%, there should be at least 1 replica and at most 5.
- List HPA object
kubectl get hpa
- Scaling based on memory consumption
- Issue - After scaling up, the old pods would somehow need to be forced to release memory.
- This needs to be done by the app itself - it can't be done by the system.
- Issue - After scaling up, the old pods would somehow need to be forced to release memory.
Starting pod in a specific order
Adding Lifecycle hooks
- Post-start hooks
- executed immediately after the container's main process is started.
- We can add it in the code, but if the code is developed by someone else, we dont' want to modify the code.
- Post-start hooks allow us to run additional commands without touching the app
- The hook runs in async mode.
- Until the hook completes, container stay in Waiting state instead of Running.
- Pre-stop hooks
- Post-start hooks
Providing information on why the process terminated
- We can do it by having the process write the reason why a container terminated in the pod's status.
- The default file is /dev/termination-log but it can be changed by terminationMessagePath
Few points from this doc - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/ Liveness Probe -> to know when to restart a container. Ex -> Deadlock in the app If Liveness probe failed -> container is restarted. 2. Readiness Probe -> to know when it's ready to accept traffic. a. It's called ready when it's dependencies are ready. b. If Readiness probe failed -> Remove it from service Load balancer 3. Startup Probe -> to know when the app has started. a. Other probes(liveness/readiness) wait till startup probe succeeds. b. Used mostly when app takes longer to start.