Your friend for zero waste life
My second mature project. The app is to educate, help and motivate user to use Zero/Less waste ideology in everyday life.
The app has three main goals:
- educate about Zero Waste way of life,
- through gamification model motivate user to be more friendly for our earth :),
- eco-map will show nearby places which support zero waste strategies.
Technical goals:
used Clean Swift software architecture
coding best practices and SOLID principles
systematic code review
all stages approved by mentor
all critical parts of application covered by unit tests with use of Bitrise CI
Prototype stage:
- prototype interactive presentation can be found here
Coding stage:
- initial setup of project, add .gitignore
- setup bundler, cocoapods
- add SwiftLint, R.swift, lottie, Quick, Nimble pods
- create predefined template files for Clean Swift project
- add Ecomap scene
- add ActivityTiles scene
- add AcitivityInfo scene
- add ActivityStats scene
- add Library scene
- add UserAccount scene
- add ...
Custom fonts, colors, icons
Xcode File Templates
UI Animations
Push notifications
Xcode 11.3 with iOS SDK (13.2)
CocoaPods 1.8.4
Clean Swift - clean architecture
Bundler - makes sure Ruby applications run the same code on every machine
Cocoapods - cocoa dependency manager
SwiftLint - enforce Swift style and conventions
R.swift - strong typed, autocompleted resources
Lottie-ios - library for Android and iOS that natively renders vector based animations
Quick - behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C
Nimble - express the expected outcomes of Swift or Objective-C expressions
Gifski - converts videos to GIF animations
Typora - a truly minimal markdown editor
JetBrains - a typeface for developers
If you want to try creating your own project using Clean Swift guidelines, there is a set of custom templates added in Templates/CleanSwift folder.
Just copy it to your /Users/<username>/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File\ Templates
folder and use it as you like.
Scene - creates set of 7 files to use for your scene - use it for every new scene,
SceneSupport - creates set of 16 files with predefined functionalities like presenting spinner, presenting alert, networking files, etc - use it once per project,
UnitTestsXC - creates set of 8 files needed to test your scene using XCTest (fake files included) - use it for every scene,
UnitTestsXCSupport - creates set of 5 files to support tests for your scene - use it once per project tests module
Marek Skrzelowski,
.swift learning month nine