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Releases: vechain/thor-sync.electron
Releases · vechain/thor-sync.electron
- Support encode/decode ABIv2 in Connex
Improve Ledger device user experience
- Add Ledger troubleshooting in signing dialog
- Stability improvements
- Update user guide link to
- Fixed issue of signing with fee delegator
- Optimized the user experience of signing with Ledger device
- Allow user go back or decline during Ledger connecting
Stay healthy and safe.
VeChain Team
New Feature
- Explorer search engine setting: you can set the default explorer search engine either explorer or insight
- Add explorer as default shortcut after installation
- Auto-selection the last wallet after signed a transaction or certificate
- Fixed several issues:
- macOS notarize apps issue #394
- The application failed to enforce the address for signing a certificate.
- Ledger verify address dialog title typo
- Adjust Ledger device connection animation
- Fixed several issues:
- signed content does not appear correctly in the dark theme
- certificate label does not appear correctly in dark theme
- the error message doesn't show when user input incorrect password
- activity status default icon
- ledger device connection on windows
- Improve wallet management user experience
- Update devkit and relate dependences
- Add "verify" function to display the address on the ledger device
- Workaround for the white screen on windows after resuming from sleep mode
- Support Ledger device
- Upgrade picasso to 1.1.2
- Re-design signing dialog (transaction & certificate)
- Re-design Wallet page
- Re-design Transfer Page
User guide :
- Re-design signing dialog:
- Add DECODED column. It makes transaction data human-readable.
- Support VIP-191
- Re-design wallet details page. Now you can check wallet activities (transactions & certificates)
- Fixed mnemonic phrases sensitive issue #345
- Using connex-framwork & connex.driver