NeoRS allows to perform neonatal resting-state fMRI data preprocessing. The pipeline includes spatial normalization, skull stripping, T2w segmentation, functional cross-realignment, slice timing correction, unwarping, functional denoising and 1st level analysis based on seeds.
· FSL:
· SPM12:
· Mantis:
2. The easiest way to setup the environment is by launching Matlab from your terminal every time you want to use NeoRS.
To do it easily, we have created a shell script:
- In the terminal: chmod a+x
- Right click in the file > open with > other > all applications > Terminal (always open with)
- Double click to open matlab and the script
Note: to setup matlab to be easily opened via terminal:
- nano .bash_profile
- export PATH=/Applications/$PATH -> Use your Matlab path
- Quit the bash_profile
- Still in the terminal: source ~/.bash_profile
Data must be nifti format
Data must be in BIDS structure:
Data/ sub-xxx1/ anat/ sub-xxx1_T2w.nii func/ sub-xxx1_task-rest_AP_run_001_bold.nii fmap/ sub-xxx1_AP_se-epi.nii
Open main_neors.m and modify the INPUTS to adapt them to your data
You can now RUN Neors
[Baby Connectome Project] Howell, B. R., Styner, M. A., Gao, W., Yap, P. T., Wang, L., Baluyot, K., . . . Elison, J. T. (2019). The UNC/UMN Baby Connectome Project (BCP): An overview of the study design and protocol development. Neuroimage, 185, 891-905. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.049
if you plan to use the BCP data, please contact Dr. Elison (
We would like to thank Dr. C Smyser, Dr. J Neil and Dr. C Rogers from the Washington University – School of Medicine, for sharing their regions-of-interest for this project.
We would also like to thank Dr. J Elison for letting us use the neonatal data from the Baby Connectome Project.
[NeoRS] Enguix V, Kenley J, Luck D, Cohen-Adad J, Lodygensky GA. NeoRS: A Neonatal Resting State fMRI Data Preprocessing Pipeline. Front Neuroinform. 2022 Jun 17;16:843114. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2022.843114. PMID: 35784189; PMCID: PMC9247272.
[Seeds] Smyser, C. D., Snyder, A. Z., Shimony, J. S., Mitra, A., Inder, T. E., & Neil, J. J. (2016). Resting-State Network Complexity and Magnitude Are Reduced in Prematurely Born Infants. Cereb Cortex, 26(1), 322-333. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhu251