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Releases: vhive-serverless/vHive


07 Mar 05:45
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  • Upgraded supported Ubuntu version to 24.04.
  • Bump Go to 1.22.


  • Fix IP choice for CloudLab clusters to use the internal network interface for control plane communication.
  • Fix disk issues on CloudLab profiles after restart.
  • Fix iptables issues on Ubuntu 22.04, 24.04.
  • Improved networking for Firecracker uVMs.


10 May 04:46
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7...v1.7.1


06 Mar 08:46
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  • Added support for OpenYurt, an open platform that extends upstream Kubernetes to run on edge node pools. More details on how to the Knative-atop-OpenYurt mode are described here.


  • Removed the utils and examples from the vHive repo, moved to vSwarm.
  • Bumped Go to 1.21, Kubernetes to v1.29, Knative to v1.13, Istio to 1.20.2, MetalLB to 0.14.3, Calico to 3.27.2.
  • Made the automatic patching of the knative-serving and calico manifests instead of storing the patched manifests in the repo.



05 Mar 05:12
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This is the release before bumping k8s to 1.29 and 1.13: #943
Such bumping would break vHive's consistency with InVitro.


18 Oct 02:32
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  • Added support for NVIDIA GPU in stock-only setup, with setup script and example Knative deployment.
  • Upgraded the Firecracker version. Vanilla Firecracker snapshots are supported with local snapshot storage. Remote snapshot support is added but unstable (GH-823).
  • Added a new netPoolSize option to configure the amount of network devices in the Firecracker VM network pool (10 by default), which can be used to keep the network initialization off the cold start path of Firecracker VMs.



  • Removed the limitation on the number of functions instances that can be restored from a single Firecracker snapshot (previously it was limited to 1).

vHive v1.5

24 Apr 12:33
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  • Bumped Knative to v1.9, Go to v1.19, Kubernetes to v1.25, Istio to 1.16.0, metallb 0.13.9, Calico to 3.25.1.
  • Bumped the GitHub-hosted runner OS version to Ubuntu 20.


  • vHive CRI (end-to-end) CI for firecracker and gVisor has been rehosted and is fully operational now.

Warning: This release drops support for Kubernetes 1.23.

vHive v1.4.2

13 May 15:18
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Upgrade of the vHive system components and the dependencies to stable versions (particularly, Knative):

  • Kubernetes: 1.23.5
  • Knative: 1.4
  • Istio: 1.12.5
  • containerd: 1.6.2
  • protoc: 3.19.4
  • runc: 1.1.0
  • Go: 1.18

vHive v1.4.1

28 Oct 19:40
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Support Ubuntu 20 host OS, discontinuing support for Ubuntu 18.

vHive v1.4

04 Oct 10:00
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  • Added support for gVisor MicroVMs, as an alternative to Firecracker.
  • Added vSwarm, a suite of representative serverless workloads. Currently, in a beta testing mode.
  • Added Python and Go tracing modules and an example showing its usage. Moved to vSwarm.
  • Added Golang and Python storage modules, supporting AWS S3 and AWS ElastiCache. Moved to vSwarm.
  • Added self-hosted stock-Knative runners on KinD, see scripts/self-hosted-kind.


  • Workload stdout/stderr is not directly redirected to vhive stdout/stderr anymore but is printed by vhive via logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"vmID": vmID}).
  • Moved the CRI non-Firecracker tests to self-hosted stock-Knative runners.


  • Minor fixes and improvements in the docs.

vHive v1.3

24 Jun 21:12
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Benchmarking and tracing and the corresponding docs

  • Added 2 chained-functions microbenchmarks, synchronous and asynchronous, that use Knative Serving and Eventing, correspondingly.
    Tracing is fully supported for Serving function composition, partially supported for Eventing function composition.
  • Added docs on vHive benchmarking methodology for arbitrary serverless deployments.
  • Added docs for adding benchmarks to vHive.
  • Revamped the quick-start guide for a better new-user experience.
  • Added Knative Eventing Tutorial: docs and example.
  • Added a Go module for tracing using Zipkin.

Improved stability and troubleshooting

  • CRI test logs are now stored as GitHub artifacts.
  • Added script to (re)start vHive single node cluster in a push-button.
  • Added a linter for hyperlink checking in markdown files.


  • Bumped Containerd to v1.5.2.
  • Bumped Knative to v0.23.0.
  • Bumped Go to v1.16.4.
  • Frozen Kubernetes at v1.20.6-00.
  • Simplified Go dependencies management by refactoring modules into packages.


  • Fixed stock Knative cluster startup.