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Personal Finance for Newbies (PFN)

Table of Contents

What is it?

Personal Finance for Newbies (or PFN) is a web app that – from buy/sell financial asset transactions – provides easy-to-use, near-real-time statistics (i.e., updated to the last closing) on your investment portfolio.

PFN allows you to analyse your portfolio from multiple perspectives: from higher-level metrics (profit & loss, asset class weights) to those allowing you to study risk and returns in depth, especially over time. To use the app, you don't need to create an account! You just need to set up your buy/sell transactions: PFN takes care of downloading historical prices from Yahoo Finance and analysing them for you!

We do not collect or store any data. We provide no guarantee, explicit or implicit, as to the accuracy of the results displayed, which are intended for educational and informational purposes only.
PFN at play amidst a vivid dawn
Generated image of PFN at play amidst a vivid dawn

How can I run it?


Install dependencies via poetry with

  • poetry install

Launch the web app via

  • streamlit run ./src/0_🏠


To build the app's Docker image

  • docker build -t personal-finance-for-newbies .

To run the Docker image and expose it on a preferred port (for example 8080)

  • docker run --rm -p 8080:8501 personal-finance-for-newbies

To run the Docker image using the host's network (which will make the app accessible on port 8501)

  • docker run --rm --network host personal-finance-for-newbies

Alternatively, on Windows you simply launch

  • scripts/run-web-app.ps1


To build and run the app's Docker image:

  • docker compose up streamlit

You can choose, by editing the .env file in the project root, whether to install dependencies via poetry or via uv (a library written in RUST that greatly speeds up the installation of python libraries)

How can I use my own data?

To load and use your data, download and fill in the template with your accumulation plan's buy/sell transactions and upload it. Make sure you fill it in correctly. The fields to be entered are:

  • Exchange: name of the market (according to Yahoo Finance) list of exchange suffixes;
  • Ticker: symbol to identify a publicly traded security;
  • Transaction Date: date of transaction in DD/MM/YYYY format;
  • Shares: number of purchased/sold shares; please, include a minus sign to indicate selling;
  • Price: price of a single share;
  • Fees: transaction fees, if any.

How can I help?

Contributions are what make the open source community an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contribution you make is greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature_amazing_feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing stuff')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature_amazing_feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Here's an hopefully up-to-date list of things to build:

  • Improve Sharpe Ratio calculation, to take into account a time-varying:
    • risk-free rate
    • asset allocation
  • Rolling Sharpe ratio chart
  • Sortino and Calmar ratios