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COM-39: Collapsed menu #3491

COM-39: Collapsed menu

COM-39: Collapsed menu #3491

GitHub Actions / Tests succeeded Feb 22, 2024 in 0s

109 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
admin/blocks-admin/junit.xml 5✅ 12s
admin/cms-admin/junit.xml 16✅ 9s
admin/cms-admin/node_modules/@comet/blocks-admin/junit.xml 5✅ 12s
api/blocks-api/junit.xml 7✅ 6s
api/cms-api/junit.xml 69✅ 71s
api/cms-api/node_modules/@comet/blocks-api/junit.xml 7✅ 6s
site/cms-site/junit.xml 16ms

✅ admin/blocks-admin/junit.xml

5 tests were completed in 12s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
composeBlocks 4✅ 11s
createCompositeSetting 1✅ 4s

✅ composeBlocks

composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterfaces
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterfaces
composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 settings - flattened
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 settings - flattened
composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterface and 1 scalar setting
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterface and 1 scalar setting
composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 setting with value undefined
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 setting with value undefined

✅ createCompositeSetting

createCompositeSetting should work with an array value
  ✅ createCompositeSetting should work with an array value

✅ admin/cms-admin/junit.xml

16 tests were completed in 9s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
TreeMapUtils 3✅ 8s
TreeMapUtils 5✅ 8s
TreeMapUtils 8✅ 8s

✅ TreeMapUtils

TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - empty
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - empty
TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - first level
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - first level
TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes - nested levels
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes - nested levels

✅ TreeMapUtils

TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - empty
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - empty
TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - first level
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - first level
TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes - nested levels
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes - nested levels
TreeMap traverse pre order
  ✅ TreeMap traverse pre order
TreeMap traverse post order
  ✅ TreeMap traverse post order

✅ TreeMapUtils

TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - empty
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - empty
TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - first level
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes  - first level
TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes - nested levels
  ✅ TreeMapUtils subTreeFromNodes - nested levels
areAllSubTreesFullSelected nothing selected
  ✅ areAllSubTreesFullSelected nothing selected
areAllSubTreesFullSelected everything selected
  ✅ areAllSubTreesFullSelected everything selected
areAllSubTreesFullSelected sub tree selected
  ✅ areAllSubTreesFullSelected sub tree selected
areAllSubTreesFullSelected nested leaf selected
  ✅ areAllSubTreesFullSelected nested leaf selected
areAllSubTreesFullSelected nested not selected
  ✅ areAllSubTreesFullSelected nested not selected

✅ admin/cms-admin/node_modules/@comet/blocks-admin/junit.xml

5 tests were completed in 12s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
composeBlocks 4✅ 11s
createCompositeSetting 1✅ 4s

✅ composeBlocks

composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterfaces
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterfaces
composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 settings - flattened
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 settings - flattened
composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterface and 1 scalar setting
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 2 BlockInterface and 1 scalar setting
composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 setting with value undefined
  ✅ composeBlocks composes values of 1 BlockInterface and 1 setting with value undefined

✅ createCompositeSetting

createCompositeSetting should work with an array value
  ✅ createCompositeSetting should work with an array value

✅ api/blocks-api/junit.xml

7 tests were completed in 6s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
FlatBlocks 2✅ 5s
Search 3✅ 5s
transform to save index 2✅ 5s

✅ FlatBlocks

FlatBlocks visits all BlockData-references breadth first
  ✅ FlatBlocks visits all BlockData-references breadth first
FlatBlocks visits childblocks of blockBlock
  ✅ FlatBlocks visits childblocks of blockBlock

✅ Search

Search gets SearchData
  ✅ Search gets SearchData
Search gets SearchData and respects invisible blocks
  ✅ Search gets SearchData and respects invisible blocks
Search gets SearchData and respects nested invisible blocks
  ✅ Search gets SearchData and respects nested invisible blocks

✅ transform to save index

transform to save index build correctly
  ✅ transform to save index build correctly
transform to save index extract id of DamFile
  ✅ transform to save index extract id of DamFile

✅ api/cms-api/junit.xml

69 tests were completed in 71s with 69 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Files Utils 3✅ 5s
GenerateCrud 2✅ 7s
GenerateCrud without find condition 1✅ 5s
GenerateCrudEnumMultiUse 1✅ 11s
GenerateCrudEnumOptional 1✅ 11s
GenerateCrudInput 5✅ 39s
GenerateCrudInputInteger 1✅ 6s
GenerateCrudInputJson 3✅ 22s
GenerateCrudInputRelations 2✅ 6s
GenerateCrudRelations 3✅ 18s
GenerateCrudRelationsIdString 1✅ 5s
GenerateCrudRelationsIdString 1✅ 6s
GenerateCrudRelationsMultiUse 1✅ 6s
GenerateCrudRelationsNested 1✅ 9s
GenerateCrudResolveField 1✅ 5s
GenerateCrudResolveIdInteger 1✅ 5s
IsSlug 3✅ 683ms
PageTreeReadApi 11✅ 19s
RootBlockDataScalar 2✅ 1s
RootBlockInputScalar 2✅ 2s
searchToMikroOrmQuery 23✅ 18s

✅ Files Utils

Files Utils svgContainsJavaScript should return false if the svg doesn't contain a script tag or event handler
  ✅ Files Utils svgContainsJavaScript should return false if the svg doesn't contain a script tag or event handler
Files Utils svgContainsJavaScript should return true if the svg contains a script tag
  ✅ Files Utils svgContainsJavaScript should return true if the svg contains a script tag
Files Utils svgContainsJavaScript should return true if the svg contains an event handler
  ✅ Files Utils svgContainsJavaScript should return true if the svg contains an event handler

✅ GenerateCrud

GenerateCrud resolver class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrud resolver class should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrud number filter should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrud number filter should be a valid generated ts file

✅ GenerateCrud without find condition

GenerateCrud without find condition where should be typed as ObjectQuery as it is when findCondition is used
  ✅ GenerateCrud without find condition where should be typed as ObjectQuery as it is when findCondition is used

✅ GenerateCrudEnumMultiUse

GenerateCrudEnumMultiUse should import a enum reference only once if used multiple times
  ✅ GenerateCrudEnumMultiUse should import a enum reference only once if used multiple times

✅ GenerateCrudEnumOptional

GenerateCrudEnumOptional should correctly determine enum import path
  ✅ GenerateCrudEnumOptional should correctly determine enum import path

✅ GenerateCrudInput

GenerateCrudInput string input class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInput string input class should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudInput date input class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInput date input class should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudInput boolean input class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInput boolean input class should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudInput enum input class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInput enum input class should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudInput uuid input class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInput uuid input class should be a valid generated ts file

✅ GenerateCrudInputInteger

GenerateCrudInputInteger should generate correct input type for integer values
  ✅ GenerateCrudInputInteger should generate correct input type for integer values

✅ GenerateCrudInputJson

GenerateCrudInputJson input class literal array should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInputJson input class literal array should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudInputJson input class json object should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInputJson input class json object should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudInputJson input class embedded object should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudInputJson input class embedded object should be a valid generated ts file

✅ GenerateCrudInputRelations

GenerateCrudInputRelations n:1 input dto should contain relation id
  ✅ GenerateCrudInputRelations n:1 input dto should contain relation id
GenerateCrudInputRelations 1:n input dto should contain relation id
  ✅ GenerateCrudInputRelations 1:n input dto should contain relation id

✅ GenerateCrudRelations

GenerateCrudRelations resolver class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelations resolver class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelations resolver class should be a valid generated ts file
GenerateCrudRelations resolver class input type to category relation should be string with uuid validator
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelations resolver class input type to category relation should be string with uuid validator

✅ GenerateCrudRelationsIdString

GenerateCrudRelationsIdString resolver class input type to category relation should be number with integer validator
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelationsIdString resolver class input type to category relation should be number with integer validator

✅ GenerateCrudRelationsIdString

GenerateCrudRelationsIdString resolver class input type to category relation should be string with isString and not IsUuid validator
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelationsIdString resolver class input type to category relation should be string with isString and not IsUuid validator

✅ GenerateCrudRelationsMultiUse

GenerateCrudRelationsMultiUse should import a relation reference only once if used multiple times
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelationsMultiUse should import a relation reference only once if used multiple times

✅ GenerateCrudRelationsNested

GenerateCrudRelationsNested resolver class should be a valid generated ts file
  ✅ GenerateCrudRelationsNested resolver class should be a valid generated ts file

✅ GenerateCrudResolveField

GenerateCrudResolveField Resolve field should not include categories in resolver
  ✅ GenerateCrudResolveField Resolve field should not include categories in resolver

✅ GenerateCrudResolveIdInteger

GenerateCrudResolveIdInteger should generate item resolver with correctly typed id parameter
  ✅ GenerateCrudResolveIdInteger should generate item resolver with correctly typed id parameter

✅ IsSlug

IsSlug findAll should accept a valid slug
  ✅ IsSlug findAll should accept a valid slug
IsSlug findAll should not accept space
  ✅ IsSlug findAll should not accept space
IsSlug findAll should not accept umlaut
  ✅ IsSlug findAll should not accept umlaut

✅ PageTreeReadApi

PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should skip sorting if only sort criteria is by pos ascending
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should skip sorting if only sort criteria is by pos ascending
PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort by pos descending
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort by pos descending
PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort by updatedAt ascending
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort by updatedAt ascending
PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort by updatedAt descending
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort by updatedAt descending
PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort first by position, then by updatedAt
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort first by position, then by updatedAt
PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort first by updatedAt, then by position
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi sortPreloadedNodes should sort first by updatedAt, then by position
PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with correct offset and limit options Should return [1] with offset 0 limit 1
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with correct offset and limit options Should return [1] with offset 0 limit 1
PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with correct offset and limit options Should return [2, 3] with offset 1 limit 2
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with correct offset and limit options Should return [2, 3] with offset 1 limit 2
PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with correct offset and limit options Should return empty array with offset 3 limit 1
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with correct offset and limit options Should return empty array with offset 3 limit 1
PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with incorrect offset and limit options Should throw Error with offset -1 limit 2
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with incorrect offset and limit options Should throw Error with offset -1 limit 2
PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with incorrect offset and limit options Should throw Error with offset 1 limit -1
  ✅ PageTreeReadApi paginatePreloadedNodes Nodes [1, 2, 3] with incorrect offset and limit options Should throw Error with offset 1 limit -1

✅ RootBlockDataScalar

RootBlockDataScalar should work
  ✅ RootBlockDataScalar should work
RootBlockDataScalar should work with multiple instances of the same scalar
  ✅ RootBlockDataScalar should work with multiple instances of the same scalar

✅ RootBlockInputScalar

RootBlockInputScalar should work
  ✅ RootBlockInputScalar should work
RootBlockInputScalar should work with multiple instances of the same scalar
  ✅ RootBlockInputScalar should work with multiple instances of the same scalar

✅ searchToMikroOrmQuery

searchToMikroOrmQuery should work
  ✅ searchToMikroOrmQuery should work
searchToMikroOrmQuery should escape %
  ✅ searchToMikroOrmQuery should escape %
searchToMikroOrmQuery should escape _
  ✅ searchToMikroOrmQuery should escape _
searchToMikroOrmQuery should split by spaces
  ✅ searchToMikroOrmQuery should split by spaces
searchToMikroOrmQuery should ignore leading and trailing spaces
  ✅ searchToMikroOrmQuery should ignore leading and trailing spaces
filterToMikroOrmQuery string equal
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string equal
filterToMikroOrmQuery string not equal
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string not equal
filterToMikroOrmQuery string contains
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string contains
filterToMikroOrmQuery string contains escape %
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string contains escape %
filterToMikroOrmQuery string contains escape _
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string contains escape _
filterToMikroOrmQuery string starts with
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string starts with
filterToMikroOrmQuery string ends with
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string ends with
filterToMikroOrmQuery string starts with and contains
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery string starts with and contains
filterToMikroOrmQuery number equals
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery number equals
filterToMikroOrmQuery number not equals
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery number not equals
filterToMikroOrmQuery number gt
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery number gt
filterToMikroOrmQuery boolean equals
  ✅ filterToMikroOrmQuery boolean equals
filtersToMikroOrmQuery string equal
  ✅ filtersToMikroOrmQuery string equal
filtersToMikroOrmQuery and filter
  ✅ filtersToMikroOrmQuery and filter
filtersToMikroOrmQuery or filter
  ✅ filtersToMikroOrmQuery or filter
filtersToMikroOrmQuery custom apply filter
  ✅ filtersToMikroOrmQuery custom apply filter
filtersToMikroOrmQuery custom apply filter with default fallback
  ✅ filtersToMikroOrmQuery custom apply filter with default fallback
filtersToMikroOrmQuery empty filter
  ✅ filtersToMikroOrmQuery empty filter

✅ api/cms-api/node_modules/@comet/blocks-api/junit.xml

7 tests were completed in 6s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
FlatBlocks 2✅ 5s
Search 3✅ 5s
transform to save index 2✅ 5s

✅ FlatBlocks

FlatBlocks visits all BlockData-references breadth first
  ✅ FlatBlocks visits all BlockData-references breadth first
FlatBlocks visits childblocks of blockBlock
  ✅ FlatBlocks visits childblocks of blockBlock

✅ Search

Search gets SearchData
  ✅ Search gets SearchData
Search gets SearchData and respects invisible blocks
  ✅ Search gets SearchData and respects invisible blocks
Search gets SearchData and respects nested invisible blocks
  ✅ Search gets SearchData and respects nested invisible blocks

✅ transform to save index

transform to save index build correctly
  ✅ transform to save index build correctly
transform to save index extract id of DamFile
  ✅ transform to save index extract id of DamFile

✅ site/cms-site/junit.xml

No tests found