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VMware vRealize Automation Code Stream CLI


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Code Stream CLI (cs-cli)

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The Code Stream CLI is a command line tool written in Go to interact with the vRealize Automation Code Stream APIs. It is written to help automate Code Stream and provide a simple way to migrate content between Code Stream instances and projects.

  • Import and Export Code Stream artefacts such as Pipelines, Variables, Endpoints
  • Perform CRUD operations on Code Stream artefacts such as Pipelines, Variables, Endpoints
  • Trigger Executions of Pipelines

Code Stream CLI

Currently implemented commands:


There are a few ways you can run cs-cli - install with homebrew, download a pre-compiled binary, run the Docker container image, or build from Go source.

Install using homebrew

MacOs and Linux users can install using homebrew

  1. brew tap sammcgeown/cs-cli
  2. brew install cs-cli

Install the pre-compiled binary

  1. Download the gzipped tar package from the releases page.
  2. Extract the cs-cli binary, license and readme files
  3. Move the cs-cli binary into the PATH for your OS

Run the Docker image

  1. Export environment variables (see below) for your repository
  2. Pull the image docker pull sammcgeown/cs-cli
  3. Run the container passing the environment variables to the image docker run -e CS_SERVER="$CS_SERVER" -e CS_USERNAME="$CS_USERNAME" -e CS_PASSWORD="$CS_PASSWORD" -e CS_DOMAIN="$CS_DOMAIN" sammcgeown/cs-cli get variable

Build from source

  1. Clone the respository
  2. Download the repository
  3. Build the cs-cli binary using go build -o cs-cli


The configuration file stores the targets (vRA servers and credentials) that the CLI will use. By default cs-cli will use $HOME/.cs-cli.yaml as the config file. You can override this using the --config flag. The configuration file should be secured using file-level permissions to protect your credentials.

# Use the default configuration file - $HOME/.cs-cli.yaml
cs-cli get variable
# Specify the configuration file
cs-cli --config /path/to/config.yaml get pipeline

Alternatively, you can use ENVIRONMENT variables to configure the CLI


cs-cli get execution


By default cs-cli will use the OS's certificate trust to determine whether the vRealize Automation Code Stream API certificate is trusted. To ignore certificate warnings, use the --ignoreCertificateWarnings flag:

❯ cs-cli get execution
WARN[0000] Get "https://wdc-fd-vra8-01.cmbu.local/pipeline/api/user-preferences": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2021-05-18T13:21:44+01:00 is after 2020-10-17T16:06:34Z 
FATA[0001] Post "https://wdc-fd-vra8-01.cmbu.local/csp/gateway/am/api/login?access_token": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2021-05-18T13:21:45+01:00 is after 2020-10-17T16:06:34Z 
exit status 1
❯ cs-cli get execution --ignoreCertificateWarnings
|                  ID                  |              NAME              |  PROJECT   |  STATUS   |                 MESSAGE                 |
| a86ae170-ef23-4d2a-8cfc-5de75767a78b | Packer-Template-Builds#44      | Field Demo | COMPLETED | Execution Completed.                    |
| f82eb2f8-0b5f-4b17-9053-4101a696ce08 | Packer-Template-Builds#27      | Field Demo | COMPLETED | Execution Completed.                    |
| 656cbe5e-84f7-4e2e-a6a5-60e0734a5a6a | Blue-Green Deployment#1        | Field Demo | CANCELED  | test-active-deployment.user-validation: |
|                                      |                                |            |           | Execution canceled by smcgeown.         |
| 0c0af1ca-5ec9-4aab-b027-311a1e483224 | TKG Workload Cluster#34        | Field Demo | FAILED    | Build.Install TKG CLI: Script           |
|                                      |                                |            |           | execution failed.                       |
| cc57d3d0-e38e-458b-8296-bfd75b4b9571 | Packer-Template-Builds#21      | Field Demo | COMPLETED | Execution Completed.                    |
| f1ccba1b-1018-4f1b-899b-12420973e9b2 | Install Ubuntu with            | Field Demo | COMPLETED | Execution Completed.                    |
|                                      | Software#20                    |            |           |                                         |
| 5924cdf8-756b-4412-87e9-242f40059ee3 | Field-Demo-Chat-App#5          | Field Demo | COMPLETED | Execution Completed.                    |


Use the --debug flag to enable debug logging.

Working with targets

List available targets:

cs-cli config get-target

Add an target configuration:

cs-cli config set-target --config test-config.yaml --name my-vra-server --password mypassword --username myuser --domain --server
# Outputs:
# Creating new target my-vra-server
# Use `cs-cli config use-target --name my-vra-server` to use this target
# {
#   "domain": "",
#   "password": "mypassword",
#   "server": "",
#   "username": "myuser"
# }
#Set the active target
cs-cli config use-target --name my-vra-server --config test-config.yaml
#View the current active target
cs-cli config current-target --config test-config.yaml


Working with Pipelines

Getting and filtering pipelines

# List all pipelines
cs-cli get pipeline
# List all pipelines in a project
cs-cli get pipeline --project "Field Demo"
# Get a pipeline by ID
cs-cli get pipeline --id 7a3b41af-0e49-4e3d-999b-6c4c5ec55956
# Get a pipeline by name
cs-cli get pipeline --name "vra-CreateVariable"

Exporting pipelines:

# Export a specific pipeline to current location
cs-cli get pipeline --name "vra-CreateVariable"
# Export a specific pipeline to a specific location
cs-cli get pipeline --name "vra-CreateVariable" --exportPath /path/to/my/folder
# Export all pipelines
cs-cli get pipeline
# Export all pipelines in a project
cs-cli get pipeline --project "Field Demo"

Importing pipelines:

# Import a yaml definition
cs-cli create pipeline --importPath /my/yaml-pipeline.yaml
# Import a folder of YAML files (will attempt to import all YAML files in the folder - .yml/.yaml)
cs-cli create pipeline --importPath /Users/sammcgeown/Desktop/cs-cli/pipelines
# Update an existing pipeline
# Note: You cannot change the pipeline name - this
#       will result in a new Pipeline being created
cs-cli update pipeline --importPath /my/updated-pipe.yaml
# Update existing pipelines from folder
cs-cli update pipeline --importPath /Users/sammcgeown/Desktop/cs-cli/pipelines
# Import a pipeline to a specific Project (overriding the YAML definition)
cs-cli create pipeline --importPath export/pipelines/Field-Demo-Chat-App.yaml --project "Field Demo"

Delete a pipeline:

# Delete pipeline by ID
cs-cli delete pipeline --id 7a3b41af-0e49-4e3d-999b-6c4c5ec55956

# Delete pipeline by Name
cs-cli delete pipeline --name "My Pipeline"

# Delete pipeline by Name and Project
cs-cli delete pipeline --name "My Pipeline" --project "My Project"

# Delete all pipelines in Project
cs-cli delete pipeline --project "My Project"

Working with Variables

# Get all variables
cs-cli get variable
# Get a variable by ID
cs-cli get variable --id 50613ab6-6f25-4976-8b3e-5be7a4bc60eb
# Get a variable by name
cs-cli get variable --name cs-cli
# Create a new variable manually
cs-cli create variable --name cli-demo --project "Field Demo"  --type REGULAR --value "New variable..." --description "Now from the CLI\!"

# Export all variables to variables.yaml
cs-cli get variable
# Export all variables to /your/own/filename.yaml
cs-cli get variable --exportPath /your/own/filename.yaml

# Create new variables from file
cs-cli create variable --importfile variables.yaml
# Create new variables from file, overwrite the Project
cs-cli create variable --importfile variables.yaml --project TestProject

# Update existing variables from file
cs-cli update variable --importfile variables.yaml

# Delete Variable by ID
cs-cli delete variable --id 50613ab6-6f25-4976-8b3e-5be7a4bc60eb

# Delete Variable by Name
cs-cli delete variable --name "My Variable"

# Delete Variable by Name and Project
cs-cli delete variable --name "My Variable" --project "My Project"

# Delete all Variables in Project
cs-cli delete variable --project "My Project"

Note that SECRET variables will not export, so if you export your secrets, be sure to add the value data before re-importing them!

Working with Executions

# List all executions
cs-cli get execution
# View an execution by ID
cs-cli get execution --id 9cc5aedc-db48-4c02-a5e4-086de3160dc0
# View executions of a specific pipeline
get execution --name vra-authenticateUser
# View executions by status
cs-cli get execution --status Failed

Create a new execution of a pipeline:

# Get the input form of the pipeline to execute
cs-cli get pipeline --id 7a3b41af-0e49-4e3d-999b-6c4c5ec55956 --form
# Outputs:
# {
#   "vraFQDN": "",
#   "vraUserName": "",
#   "vraUserPassword": ""
# }

# Create a new execution with the input form from above
cs-cli create execution --id 7a3b41af-0e49-4e3d-999b-6c4c5ec55956 --inputs '{
  "vraFQDN": "vra8-test-ga.cmbu.local",
  "vraUserName": "fakeuser",
  "vraUserPassword": "fakeuser"
}' --comments "Executed from cs-cli"
# Outputs
# Execution /codestream/api/executions/9cc5aedc-db48-4c02-a5e4-086de3160dc0 created

# Inspect the new execution
cs-cli get execution --id 9cc5aedc-db48-4c02-a5e4-086de3160dc0

Working with Endpoints

Getting Endpoints

# Get all endpoints
cs-cli get endpoint
# Get endpoints by project
cs-cli get endpoint --project "Field Demo"
# Get endpoint by Name
cs-cli get endpoint --name "My-Git-Endpoint"
# Get endpoint by Project and Type
cs-cli get endpoint --type "git" --project "Field Demo"

Exporting endpoints:

# Export all endpoints
cs-cli get endpoint --exportPath my-endpoints/
# Export endpoint by Name
cs-cli get endpoint --name "My-Git-Endpoint"

Importing endpoints

# Create a new endpoint
cs-cli create endpoint --importPath /path/to/my/endpoint.yaml
# Update an existing endpoint
# Note: You cannot change the endpoint name - this
#       will result in a new endpoint being created
cs-cli update endpoint --importPath updated-endpoint.yaml
# Import an endpoint to a specific Project (overriding the YAML)
cs-cli create endpoint --importPath /path/to/my/endpoint.yaml --project "Field Demo"

Delete an endpoint

# Delete endpoint by ID
cs-cli delete endpoint --id 8c36f59a-2fcf-4039-8b48-1026f601a4b0

# Delete Endpoint by Name:
cs-cli delete endpoint --name "Endpoint Name"

# Delete Endpoint by Project and Name:
cs-cli delete endpoint --project "My Project" --name "Endpoint Name"

# Delete all Endpoints in Project (prompts for confirmation):
cs-cli delete endpoint --project "My Project"

Working with Custom Integrations

# Get all custom integrations
cs-cli get customintegration
# Get custom integration by id
cs-cli get customintegration --id c145b52e-c797-49d1-88a5-1d70e7788d03
# Get custom integration by name
cs-cli get customintegration --name base64Encode

Shell Completions

Basic shell completion is now available using the cs-cli completion command - to load completions:


  $ source <(cs-cli completion bash)

  # To load completions for each session, execute once:
  # Linux:
  $ cs-cli completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/cs-cli
  # macOS:
  $ cs-cli completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/cs-cli


  # If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment,
  # you will need to enable it.  You can execute the following once:

  $ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

  # To load completions for each session, execute once:
  $ cs-cli completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_cs-cli"

  # You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


  $ cs-cli completion fish | source

  # To load completions for each session, execute once:
  $ cs-cli completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/


  PS> cs-cli completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

  # To load completions for every new session, run:
  PS> cs-cli completion powershell > cs-cli.ps1
  # and source this file from your PowerShell profile.